Need SMS help? Our dedicated SMS/TCR team is here for you. Chat with a live agent, ask our community, or call 1-888-898-4591 (Opt 3). Carriers now require TCR compliance to send text messages.
Click here if you only need to receive SMS messages.
Need SMS help? Our dedicated SMS/TCR team is here for you. Chat with a live agent, ask our community, or call 1-888-898-4591 (Opt 3). Carriers now require TCR compliance to send text messages.
Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Classic.
Version 19.09.01
Release Date: 17 September 2019
What's New
Integrated RingCentral Meetings
The new 'Meet' tab allows users to quickly start, schedule and join meetings right from the RingCentral App without having to open up a separate meetings app.
Cloud Calendar Integration
Users can now connect their Outlook and Google calendars to see all their meetings inside RC App, and easily join with 1-click. No need to find invitations or type in URLs. Users can also schedule meetings directly from RingCentral App into their calendars.
Calendar Presence
During a meeting in the calendar, user's presence in RingCentral App will automatically show as 'Busy'. This can be turned on/off in Preferences.