Need SMS help? Our dedicated SMS/TCR team is here for you. Chat with a live agent, ask our community, or call 1-888-898-4591 (Opt 3). Carriers now require TCR compliance to send text messages.
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Need SMS help? Our dedicated SMS/TCR team is here for you. Chat with a live agent, ask our community, or call 1-888-898-4591 (Opt 3). Carriers now require TCR compliance to send text messages.
When a caller reaches your voicemail, you can set it up so they hear either the RingCentral default greeting or a custom one.
Where do you want to set up your voicemail greeting?
Desktop & web
Admin Portal
Open the RingCentral app on your desktop or web browser.
Go to Settings > Phone in the left navigation bar.
Next to Voicemail, click Edit.
By default, your voicemail greeting will apply 24/7. If you want different greetings for Work hours and After hours, click Edit schedule.
Click Play to listen to your current greeting.
Click Edit if you want to record a custom greeting. Learn how
If you want to erase your custom greeting and use the default greeting, click Reset to default.
Click Save.
Open the RingCentral mobile app.
Tap your profile picture in the top left corner.
Tap Phone > Voicemail.
By default, your voicemail greeting will apply 24/7. If you want different greetings for Work hours and After hours, click Set schedule and configure your schedule.
Choose which greeting you want to use. Click Default to use the standard greeting or Custom to record your own greeting.
Click Play to listen to your current greeting.
To record a new greeting, Click Record new greeting. Tap the red button to start your recording. Tap it again to stop recording.
When you're ready to save your custom recording, tap Save in the top right corner.
Setting your own voicemail greeting
Go to the Admin Portal and sign in. If you’re an admin, click Admin Portal > My Extension in the top right.
Click Settings in the top menu.
Select Call Forwarding and Voicemail.
Under Work Hours, scroll down to Missed Calls. From the dropdown list, select Send to voicemail.
Click Play to listen to your current greeting.
Click Edit if you want to record a custom greeting. Learn how
If you want to remove your custom greeting and use the default greeting, click Edit, then select Default.
By default, voicemails are saved in your voicemail box. To save your voicemails in a different voicemail box, select Specific Extension under Select voicemail box and choose from the list of extensions.
Click on the user's name (don’t check the box next to the user’s name).
Select Call Forwarding and Voicemail.
Under Work Hours, scroll down to Missed Calls and select Send to voicemail from the dropdown.
Click Play to listen to your current greeting.
Click Edit if you want to record a custom greeting. Learn how
If you want to remove your custom greeting and use the default greeting, click Edit, then select Default.
By default, voicemails are saved in that user’s voicemail box. To save their voicemails in a different voicemail box, select Specific Extension under Select voicemail box and choose from the list of extensions.
Click Save.
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