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Engage Voice | Platform navigation and layout


Getting around the platform is pretty straightforward. The interface is designed to be intuitive — and we continue to update and optimize it — but in case you need a quick primer or refresher, here are some of the major layout and navigation tips you’ll need to know to get started. 

App selector page

When you first log in to the platform, the first page you’ll land on is the app selector. This page contains tiles you can select to navigate to one of the three major interfaces: Agent, Analytics, and Admin. 
Depending on your permissions, you may have access to all three of these interfaces or just one. If you only have access to one interface, you’ll be directed to that interface upon login and forego the app selector page entirely. 
For example, if you only have access to the agent interface, then you’ll be directed immediately to that interface upon logging in.


Let’s begin with the Admin user interface (UI). We’ll look at common navigation items and how and when they’re used, and then we’ll briefly discuss basic menu options so you’ll know where to find the different sections of the platform.

Home page

When you first navigate to the Admin UI, the first thing you’ll see is the home page, which consists of the following two sections: 
  • Quick links: This section provides links to all major parts of the platform, organized by menu option. Select any of the links under this section to navigate to that part of the interface. These links are also available via the left-hand navigation bar (more on that below)
  • Help & tutorials: This section provides links to all the major support documentation written for the admin interface. Select any of the tiles to be directed to the documentation guide for a particular subject
If at any time you’d like to return to this home page while interacting in the admin interface, you can select the logo at top left to navigate back to this page.
Now that we’ve reviewed the home page, let’s discuss two parts of the platform that you can always access no matter where you are in the platform: the top header bar and the left-hand navigation bar. 
We’ll review the top header bar first.

Top header bar

The top header bar is always available at the top of your screen. Here, you’ll have access to settings such as your accounts, your user info, and the app switcher.
Let’s review each of the settings you’ll find in this bar.
Top header bar


In the right-hand corner of the top header bar, you’ll find the name of the account you’re signed in to. If you click on this name, a modal window will appear that displays all the accounts you have access to, along with some identifying information, like the Account ID number, Master ID number, and the Master name
The account you’re currently logged in to will have a checkmark to the left of the name. If you’d like to select a different account, click on the name of another account. To search for an account, use the search bar at the top of the modal window.
Modal window with a full list of selectable accounts

User info

Next to the name of the account, you’ll find the user icon, indicated by a circle with your initials in the center. 
View of the user info icon
Click here to view your own user information, like your name and email address. This is also where you’ll find the following links:
  • Need help?: Select this to open the support documentation portal in a new tab
  • Sign out: Select this setting to log out of the interface

App switcher

At far right in the top header bar, you’ll find the app switcher, represented by a series of square icons. Select the app switcher to reveal a dropdown menu containing icons you can select from to navigate to one of the three major interfaces: Agent, Analytics, or Admin. 
Please note: Depending on your permissions, you may have access to only one interface or all three. 

Hamburger menu

The left-hand navigation bar, or the left nav bar, is the blue sidebar that you can always find on the left-hand side of your screen. Here, you’ll find a series of icons and, when expanded, a list of product names associated with each icon. These are your product menu options, and they act as a shortcut to all the main products in the platform. 

Left-hand navigation bar

The top header bar is always available at the top of your screen. Here, you’ll have access to settings such as your accounts, your user info, and the app switcher.
Let’s review each of the settings you’ll find in this bar.
View of the left-hand navigation bar

Product menu options

The left-hand navigation bar contains the following product menu options:
  • Users: The three-person icon represents your Users settings. Here you’ll find settings dealing with user information and platform permissions for both agents and admin users
  • Channels: The three multi-directional arrows represent the Channels settings. This section deals with phone number management, including managing blocked ANI numbers
  • IVR: The flowchart icon represents your IVR menu option. Here you’ll find configuration settings for your interactive voice responses — from IVR setup and design to cloud routing and track number configuration
  • Routing: The two intersecting arrows icon represents the Routing menu option, which provides settings related to inbound calls. Here, you can create queues, configure routing rules, assign agents to accept calls, and more 
  • Dialing: The phone icon represents Dialing, which contains configuration settings for outbound calls. Here, you can create dial groups and campaigns, upload lead lists, set up campaign criteria and campaign schedules to limit dialing, and more
  • Chat: The double chat bubble icon represents the Chat menu option, where you can configure your live chat settings. Here you can create chat queues, design chat widgets for your website, assign agents to chat queues, and more
  • Agent Tools: The person and wrench icon represents the Agent Tools menu option, where you can design scripts for agents to use during calls and chats, create and upload knowledge base articles for agent reference, add phone book entries, and compose email templates 
  • Settings: The single gear icon represents the platform’s Settings section. Here, you’ll find a full list of your accounts, the global and account audio librarycall recording delivery configuration settings, and more 
  • Dev Tools: The two carrot icons with a backslash in the center represents the Dev Tools menu. You can use this menu option to integrate into the platform any of your external web service

Sliding tray

Whenever you click on or hover over any of the product menu options, a secondary navigation menu will slide out beyond the left nav bar. This sliding navigation menu is called the sliding tray, and it contains a list of configuration settings, or tray settings, for the product in question. 
View of the sliding tray
When you select one of the tray settings, you’ll be directed to one of two pages: a groups page or a configuration page.
Let’s review what you’ll find on the groups page first.

Groups page

The groups page can be found throughout the platform; you can use it to create groups that track and organize different types of information. For example, you can use the Routing Queues group page to create groups that contain queues. Or you can use the Dialing Campaigns group page to create groups that contain campaigns. 
If you haven’t created any groups yet, this page will be blank save for an empty table. However, once you’ve created a group or two, you’ll see them appear underneath the table, stacked on top of each other in alphabetical order. These groups will often be referenced according to the associated product — so if you’re in the Dialing groups page, we’ll call them ‘dial groups.’ In Routing, they go by ‘queue groups.’ 
Once you’ve created a group, you can click anywhere on the group to reveal a list of items that have been added to that group. These items are called group components, but we will also refer to these according to the product subcategory. So in Routing, we’ll call them queues, and in Dialing, we’ll call them campaigns.
View of the groups page

Searching groups

If you would like to quickly search for a group or one of its group components, you can do so by using the dynamic search bar located at the top of the page. The search bar filters your results as you type, and it responds to alternate spellings, partial entries, and special characters. 
To the left of the search bar is a dropdown list that will further filter your search by giving the system a specific parameter in which you’d like to search for a group or group component. The default filter option will be set to All, but you can also choose to filter your search by the name of the group, the name of the group component, or the system-assigned ID number associated with either.
Dropdown filter for the search bar in a groups page
Once you’ve selected an option from the search filter dropdown list, you can begin typing into the search bar to display only the groups and group components you’re looking for. 

Viewing active and inactive groups

Another way you can filter the groups you wish to view is via the dropdown menu located to the right of the search bar. This dropdown menu allows you to choose between viewing Active and Inactive group components. If you wish to view all groups, both active and inactive, you can choose All
Please note that if you select the Active dropdown option and all of a group’s components are inactive, that group will be hidden as well. The same will apply if you select the Inactive option and all of a group’s components are active. 
Active/Inactive filter for viewing group components
You can also see how many active and inactive group components a group has by looking at the numbered green and grey ovals to the right of each group name. These are called active markers, and the number in the center of each oval indicates how many active (green oval) and inactive (grey oval) group components there are in a group. 
Active markers
When you expand a group to reveal each of its components, you’ll see a colored dot to the left of each group component name. If the dot is green, the group component is active. If the dot is grey, it’s inactive. 
Active markers next to each group component

Viewing group information

The information displayed in a groups page table will vary depending on which part of the platform you’re in, but a groups page table will always display the name of the group (and its components) as well as the number of active and inactive components in a group (indicated by the active markers mentioned earlier). 
Depending on where you are in the platform, you can also hover your mouse over a group or group component to discover additional info. Any extra info for that group or group component will appear at far right in light grey font. 
For example, if you’re in the Queues group page (via the Routing product menu option), you can hover your mouse over a queue to reveal the queue’s Caller ID (or the quantity of Caller IDs assigned to a queue if more than one is assigned) along with the number of agents assigned to that queue. It will also reveal two configuration settings at far right of the created group. These settings allow you to edit the group (pencil icon) and add a group component (plus sign icon). We’ll review each of these settings next. 
Please note that hovering your mouse over a group will not reveal the Caller ID and the number of agents assigned to the queue.
View of additional info when you hover your mouse over a group component

Managing groups

Adding a group

To add a group, click the New group button located at far right. This will take you to a page of configuration settings for that group. 
New group' button

Adding a group component

Once you’ve created a group, it’s time to create your group components. To add a group component, hover your mouse over a group and click the plus sign icon that appears at far right.
View of the button for adding a new group component
Alternatively, if you haven’t yet created a group component, you can click anywhere on the group and select the ‘New component’ button that appears below the group name when the group expands. 
Selecting either of these options will take you to a general configuration page for that group component.
View of the button for adding a new group component

Editing a group and its components

Once you’ve created a group, you can always make changes to it by clicking the Edit group button that appears at far right when you hover your mouse over it. You’ll be directed to the group’s initial configuration page, where you can make any necessary changes.
View of the button for editing a group
To edit a group component, expand your group and click on the group component you wish to edit. This will direct you to it’s initial configuration page.

Performing a bulk edit 

If you would like to edit multiple group components at one time, use the Bulk Edit setting. Simply hover your mouse over any group component and select the checkbox that appears to the left of the group component name. 
Alternatively, if you’d like to edit all components within a group, you can select the checkbox to the left of the group name to automatically select all components underneath it.
Once you’ve selected the group components you want to edit, click the Edit button in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. If you no longer wish to make edits to those group components, click Cancel. Once you’ve clicked Edit, you’ll be directed to the group component’s configuration page.
Please note that certain settings are unavailable for bulk editing; these settings will be greyed out.
Bulk editing multiple group components

Configuration page

Now that we’ve reviewed the groups page, let’s discuss what you’ll find on the platform’s configuration pages. Configuration pages contain settings related to a specific feature within the platform, and they can be found at three different levels: the product level, the group level, and the group component level. 
A product-level configuration page refers to any non-group-based configuration pages that appear when you select one of the sliding tray settings within a product menu option.
Group-level configuration pages can be found beside your product-level pages. The only difference between the two is that group-level pages allow for group configuration — like the Queues or Campaigns pages, for example. The Priority Groups and Leads pages are examples of product-level configuration pages. 
Group configuration pages will be referenced by product, so in Routing, this will be referred to as the dial group level. 
The group component-level configuration page is where you can create or edit a group component. This will be referenced by product subcategory, so in Routing, we’ll call this the queue level, and in Dialing, we’ll call this the campaign level. 
While the settings on a configuration page will differ depending on which part of the platform you’re in, you will find some common features shared across the majority of configuration pages. Let’s review some of these common features now. 

Configuration panel

One feature you will often find in a configuration page is the configuration panel. This panel is always located at far left, just to the right of the left-hand navigation bar, and it contains a list of configuration options called tabs. Each tab you click on will take you to a different page of configuration settings dealing with one particular feature for that product, group, or group component.
View of the configuration panel in a configuration page

Group header

If you’re working on a configuration page at the group or group component level, you’ll also find a secondary header bar at the top of your screen, located just under the top header bar. This is your group header — it contains both configuration and navigation settings.
View of the group header in a configuration page
At top left in the group header, you’ll find a blue, left-pointing arrow next to the group or group component-level name (for Dialing, this text will read ‘Campaigns’; for Users, this text will read ‘Agents,’ and so on). Clicking on this text will take you back to the groups page in which you’ve created that group or group component. 
To the right of the the blue text, you’ll find the name you assigned to that group component. Click the down arrow next to the name to reveal a search bar and a dropdown menu containing all other group components you’ve created in that group.
View of the group component dropdown menu in a configuration page
You can use the search bar at the top of the dropdown menu to narrow your options. When you’ve found the group or group component you wish to navigate to, click on that name. This will direct you to the same configuration page you were on, just in a new group or group component. 

Three-dot menu

At far right on the group header bar is a series of three dots in a line. This is called the three-dot menu, and you can click on it to reveal a dropdown list of settings called ‘actions.’ These actions can be used to apply certain changes to a group or group component. 
The three-dot menu provides actions such as Clone (used for copying a group or group component), Move (used for moving a group component to a different group), and Delete (used for deleting a group or group component). 
Clicking on any of these actions will bring up a modal window with a set of configuration settings that will differ depending on the action you’ve selected. Make the appropriate changes to the settings provided (if applicable) and confirm the action.
View of the three-dot menu in the group header

Viewing and saving changes

Anytime you make changes in the platform, you’ll want to save your changes. You can always save your changes via the footer bar located at the bottom of your screen. Click the blue Save button to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard your changes.
View of the 'Save' and 'Cancel' buttons in a configuration page
Now that you understand how to navigate through the admin interface as well as the most common elements you’ll find within the platform, let’s briefly review what you’ll run into while interacting with the agent interface.


The Agent user interface is a bit different from the admin platform, although some elements remain the same, like the left-hand navigation bar and the top header bar. The layout is simple, straightforward, and intuitive, so agents and supervisors can log in and begin their workflow with little to no training.
For more information on the Agent UI, check out Platform navigation and layout for Agent.


As we discussed in Intro to Analytics, Analytics consists of Real-TimeScheduled Reports, and Historical Reporting. The layout of the analytics interface is similar to the Admin interface and includes a left-hand navigation bar and top header bar. When you first log in to Analytics, you will be taken to Real-Time Reporting. You can then use the left nav bar to navigate to Scheduled Reports and Historical Reporting.
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