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Engage Voice | Configuring agent permissions

As we’ve discussed in Intro to agent configuration, your agents will spend the majority of their time taking and making calls within the agent interface, but their accounts will be configured and managed in Admin, including their permissions. 
Configuring agent permissions allows you to determine what your agents can do while logged into the agent interface, including everything from the types of calls they can take to the different stats you wish for them to view.
To configure your agent’s permissions, navigate to Users > Agents via the left-hand navigation bar, select the agent you’d like to configure via the Agents group page, and then click on the Security tab from the configuration panel at far left. 
On this page, you can enable permissions by checking the box to the left of the setting name; however, you’ll find some settings already checked by default. The permissions you can configure here range from their login configuration options to the locations where they’re allowed to log in.
Now let’s review each permission you’ll find on this page. 

Configuring basic agent permissions

The first section in the Security page is the Agent section. Under this section, you’ll find some basic agent permissions related to login configuration and basic features they will have access to. 
  • Allow Logon Configuration: Check this box to let the agent configure their session when they log on. If checked, the agent will be able to select their skills, the dial group and queues they want to work on, and more 
  • Allow Logon Updates: Check this box if you’d like to allow the agent to update their session while logged into the agent interface 
  • Allow Agent Reports: This is a deprecated feature used for legacy accounts. If applicable, please contact your CSM for more details
  • Enable Load Balancing (advanced): Check this box to enable use of the Load Balancing setting (via the configuration panel at far left). Please note that this is a deprecated feature used for legacy accounts. If applicable, please contact your CSM for more details
  • Allow Lead History: Check this box to allow the agent to view any history for a lead 
  • Allow Lead Inserts: Check this box to allow the agent to insert leads into the lead list 
  • Allow Manual Pass: Check this box to allow agents to apply a manual pass on leads 

Configuring call control security for agents

The next section in the Security page is the Call Control section. Here, you’ll find permissions related to the types of calls agents can take as well as the actions agents can take while on a call. 
  • Allow Inbound Calls: Check this box to allow the agent to take inbound calls 
  • Allow Outbound Calls: Check this box to allow the agent to make outbound calls
  • Allow Blended Calls: Check this box to allow the agent to make both outbound calls and take inbound calls in the same session. Please note that in order to enable this setting, you must also enable the Allow Inbound Calls and Allow Outbound Calls settings 
  • Allow Manual Calls: Check this box to allow the agent to make manual outbound calls 
  • Allow International Manual Calls: Check this box to allow the agent to make manual outbound international calls. Please note that international calls will also need to be enabled at the account level. Contact your CSM if you wish to enable international calls
  • Allow Historical Calling: Check this box to allow the agent to make manual outbound calls using the Call history option in the agent interface. Please note: Making a manual call via historical calling will not count as a pass for that lead
  • Allow Off-Hook Calls: Check this box to allow agents to initiate an off-hook call. Agents taking calls with the predictive dialer will not be able to take outbound calls unless this setting has been checked
  • Allow Hangup: Check this box to allow the agent to hangup a call
  • Allow End Call For Everyone: Check this box to allow the agent to end all legs of a call that has been warm transferred
  • Allow Hold: Check this box to allow the agent to place a call on hold
  • Allow Requeue: Check this box to allow the agent to place a call back into the same queue
  • Allow Cross Queue Requeue: Check this box to allow the agent to place a call into a different queue they are assigned to. Please note: If you would like the agent to place calls into a queue they are not assigned to, you’ll want to create requeue shortcuts at the queue or campaign level
  • Allow Manual Outbound Queue Selection: Check this box to allow the agent to select the queue from which they would like to make manual calls. If unchecked, the queue used will be determined by the queue selected via the Manual Outbound Default Queue Assignment dropdown in the General configuration page
  • Allow Auto Answer Management: Check this box to allow the agent to decide if they’d like to either accept or reject incoming calls (via the Auto Answer toggle located on the agent login page)
  • Default Auto Answer On: If you checked the Allow Auto Answer Management, check this box to switch the Auto Answer toggle to ‘On’ by default when the agent logs in

Configuring real-time reporting for agents

The next section in the Security page is the Real-Time Reporting section. Under this section, you’ll find permissions that you can enable to allow agents to view their call and chat stats. This is also where you will configure the permissions for your supervisors. 
  • Allow Queue Stats: Check this box to allow the agent to view their inbound queue stats
  • Allow Campaign Stats: Check this box to allow the agent to view their own outbound campaign stats
  • Allow Chat Queue Stats: Check this box to allow the agent to view their own chat queue stats 
  • Allow Supervisee Stats: If the agent has been given the Supervisor status (via the Agent Type dropdown in the General configuration page), you can check this box to allow the supervisor to view any of the stats of the agents they’re supervising
  • Limit Supervisee Stats by Assignments: If the agent has been given the Supervisor status (via the Agent Type dropdown in the General configuration page), you can check this box to allow the supervisor to view the stats of the agents they’re supervising, but only if the agents are also assigned to the same queue and/or campaign as the supervisor
  • Enable Self Agent Stats: If the agent has been given the Supervisor status (via the Agent Type dropdown in the General configuration page), check this box to allow the supervisor to view their own stats alongside the stats of the agents they’re supervising
  • Disable Supervisor Monitoring: If the agent has been given the Supervisor status (via the Agent Type dropdown in the General configuration page), check this box to disable the supervisor’s ability to monitor the calls and chats of the agents they’re supervising

Configuring transfer options for agents

The Transfer Options section in the Security page will allow you to enable or disable permissions related to making call transfers. This section is broken up into two parts. Let’s review the first part of this section below.
  • Allow Transfer: Check this box to allow the agent to transfer calls 
  • Allow International Transfer: Check this box to allow the agent to transfer calls internationally
The next part of this section is the Direct Transfer Options. Here, you will be given three options to choose from related to direct transfer permissions. Agents who can perform direct transfers will be able to forego placing the caller in a queue. The direct transfer options include the following:
  • Direct Transfer DIsabled: Select this option if you wish to disable the agent’s ability to perform a direct transfer
  • Allow Direct Transfer to only an agent’s Agent Group: Select this option if you want to allow the agent to transfer a call only to an agent added to the same agent group
  • Allow Direct Transfer to any logged in agent: Select this option if you want to allow the agent to transfer a call to an agent who is logged in

Configuring IP Access Control for agents

The last section you’ll find in the Security page is the IP Access Control section. This setting will limit where the agent will be allowed to log in to take and make calls. The IP address you enter here will ensure that the agent can only log in to the agent interface from the specified IP addresses.
To configure the IP access control of an agent, follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to Users > Agents via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Select the agent user whose IP access you’d like to limit 
3. Select the Security tab from the agent’s configuration panel
4. Scroll down to the IP Access Control section
5. Click on the New IP Restriction button at far right to open the IP Restriction modal window
6. Provide the desired IP address in the IP Restriction field. If you wish to provide a range of IP addresses in which the agent can log in, you can simply replace the last number with the % sign. For example: 173.100.10.% would allow an agent to log in with any IP address in the range of to
7. Click Ok to close out of the modal window
8. Repeat steps 5-7 to provide access from any other necessary IP Addresses 
9. Save your changes via the Save button at bottom right
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