User-defined auxiliary labels are a way to rename extra lead data columns that exist within the standard lead information upload configuration. For example, say you want to upload a lead list that has a column containing information on whether each lead is a repeat customer or not.
You can upload your lead list and map that repeat customer info column to any available aux field so that the system can track and record that information for future reference. That way, when you, say, pull a report on that lead list later on, you’ll know that all the information under the aux field you chose is actually the repeat customer information column you mapped that field to earlier on.
To label your aux fields, navigate to the General tab in your campaign’s configuration panel. Scroll down to the User Defined Aux Labels section and use the fields here to choose names both for tracking purposes and for agents to see for each auxiliary data column. There are five available Aux Label fields for renaming.
You can
map your auxiliary fields later on via the
Destinations list that appears in the
Preview tab of your upload list modal window.