Engage Voice | Configuring an inbound
queue for manual outbound dialing

We recommend that you set up your manual outbound dialing settings at the inbound queue level — however, you can also configure manual outbound dialing at the agent level (via the Manual Outbound Default Caller ID setting) and the account level (via the Default Caller ID setting). 
The system will take precedence over the manual outbound Caller ID provided at the queue level. However, if the Caller ID is not provided for the inbound queue, the system will use the manual outbound Caller ID configured at the agent level. If neither the queue nor agent Caller ID is provided, then the system will use the default Caller ID provided at the account level.

Configuring outbound default Caller ID

To configure a manual outbound default Caller ID at the inbound queue level, take the following steps:
1. Navigate to Routing > Queues via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Select the queue you’d like to configure for manual outbound dialing
3. Under the Queue Settings section, enter a number in the Manual Outbound Caller ID field that you wish to use for manual outbound calls associated with this inbound queue
4. Click the Save button at bottom right to save your changes

Helpful hint!

According to FTC regulations, the Caller ID you enter here must be accurate. It is illegal to use a false or misleading Caller ID number.
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