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Engage Voice | Configuring Monet integration settings

One of the workforce management integration options available to you is Verint Monet. Workforce management software helps you streamline and optimize agent productivity within your company. Monet’s cloud workforce management software involves forecasting, scheduling, and real-time adherence to optimize workforce resources.
You can configure your account integration with Monet via the Integrations page at the account level. To reach this page, navigate to Settings > Accounts, select the account you wish to edit, and click the Integrations tab in the configuration panel. The Integrations page allows you to select the type of workforce management integration (WFM) you’d like to add to your account. This article will help you configure workforce management integration with Monet.
To complete the integration, you will also configure your inbound queue in Monet.

Engage Voice data uploaded to Monet

When you integrate with Monet, Engage Voice will periodically send real-time and historical data to Monet using the SOAP protocol for use in Monet’s own reports and analytics capabilities. This data includes both agent state data as well as historical reporting data.
There are two agent state data feeds sent from Engage Voice to Monet, a real-time data feed and a historical data feed. The real-time or live data feed continuously collects agent state change events for every agent in your account, and sends this data to Monet periodically. The payload information for this feed contains an agent state object that contains the agent ID, status, and a date stamp. 
The historical data feed contains the same payload information, but looks up to one week for a new integration, and sends agent states in bursts of up to 5000 agent states at a time, until your changes are up to date. Here is an example of the historical reports envelope element used to send live or historical agent state records through SOAP:
<Envelope xmlns="">
        <SendAgentStateRecords xmlns="">
            <!-- Optional -->
Additionally, Engage Voice sends periodic historical data to Monet as a set of XML objects for each inbound queue. Each XML object contains the queue ID, and statistical data for an inbound queue, including the number of handled and abandoned calls, and stats such as the average talk time, average after-call wrap, and average speed of answer. Here is an example of the historical reports envelope element used to send periodic historical data through SOAP:
<Envelope xmlns="">
        <SendAcdHistoryRecordsArray xmlns="">
            <!-- Optional -->

Configuring Monet integration

To add a new Monet integration, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Settings > Accounts via the left-hand navigation bar.
2. Select an account.
3. Select the Integrations tab from your account’s configuration panel.
4. Select Monet from the Type dropdown menu.
5. Enter the Username and Password to access the Monet SOAP API.
6. Select Send All Agent States (optional).
7. Click Save at the bottom of your screen.

Monet integration settings

Now that we’ve reviewed how to add a Monet workforce management integration, let’s review the settings:
  • Username: The username to access the Monet SOAP API.
  • Password: The password to access the Monet SOAP API.
  • Send All Agent States: Overrides the default behavior and reports all agent state change events. By default only the state change events for LoginLogoutOn-breakAwayLunchTrainingEngagedAvailable, and Working are reported.

Configuring your inbound queue in Monet

To configure your inbound queue in your work group in Monet, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to your Monet sign-in page.
2. Enter your Company, Username, and Password for Monet and click Sign in.
3. In the Monet application, navigate to Setup > Workgroups.
4. Open the Skills tab for your work group.
5. Click New button to the right of Skill Name.
6. Set your Skill NameSkill Code, and Description.
7. Fill the ACD Group Id field with the queue ID for the Engage Voice inbound queue.
8. Click Save to save the skill.
9. Navigate to Work History > Reports.
10. Check that the Skill Code dropdown contains the skill you added.
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