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Engage Voice
Creating and assigning a user to an extension

As we discussed in Intro to RingCentral Office users, if you’d like to create a user, you must first create a user extension, either with or without an assigned device. User extensions are the unique number for users that make and take calls using RingCentral products such as the RingCentral app or Engage Voice. 
Once you’ve created a user extension, you can add and assign a user to that user extension. 
Please note: If you’d like to give your users access to the Engage Voice interface (Admin, Agent, or both), in addition to creating that user in RingCentral Office, an administrator must also navigate to the Engage Voice admin interface and import that user from RingCentral Office. To learn more, visit Importing an agent from RingCentral Office.

Assigning a user to an extension

To create and assign a user to an extension, follow these steps:
1. Log in as an administrator in your RingCentral Office account 
2. In the Admin Portal, select the Users tab via the top menu bar
3. Under User List in the left pane, select Unassigned Extensions
4. Select the extension you want to assign to a user
5. Select how you want to set up a user via Setup Option
6. If you selected Activate by assigning credentials from the previous step, configure the following:

a. Provide the user’s Password 

b. Enter the Security Question and Answer

c. Check the Temporary Password box to allow the user to reset their password

d. Enter a 6-10 digit number in the PIN field

7. Enter the name of your user in the First Name and Last Name fields
8. Enter the user’s email in the Email Address field
9. Configure the remaining settings as needed
10. Click Save to finish creating the user

Configuring the Unassigned Extension settings

Now that we’ve reviewed how to create and assign a user to a user extension, let’s review the Unassigned Extension user settings you can configure.

Setup Option

Under the Setup Option section, select one of the following options to determine how to set up your user:
  • Send invite: Sends the user a welcome email with an activation link
  • Activate by assigning credentials: Assign the user’s credentials such as their password, PIN, and security question. No welcome email will be sent
  • Activate later: Sets up the user now but activates them at a later time. No welcome email or notifications will be sent


If you selected Activate by assigning credentials via the Setup Option settings, you can configure the following settings:
  • Password: Enter the user’s password
  • Reenter Password: Confirm the user’s password
  • Temporary Password: Allows the user to reset their password upon logging on for the first time
  • PIN: Number used when the user checks their voicemail. Must be a 6 to 10 non-repeating numerical digits
  • Reenter PIN: Confirm the user’s PIN
  • Security Question: A question the user must answer if they need to confirm their account or recover their login credentials
  • Answer: Answer to the security question

New User Info

The New User Info section contains the following user information settings:
  • First Name: First name of the user
  • Last Name: Last name of the user
  • Email Address: User’s email address
  • Short Extension Number: Shortened user extension number assigned to the user
  • Users require unique email IDs: If enabled, select the Verify Email Uniqueness button to verify if the email address you’ve provided is unique across all RingCentral Office accounts
  • Contact Phone: Primary number used to contact the user. This number will be used to contact you if we need to verify your identity
  • Mobile Phone: Mobile number of the user
  • Job Title: User’s job position title
  • Department: Company department the user is under
  • Site:  Physical location with which you want to associate the user extension. Site locations are configured in the Company Info tab under the Phone System menu 
  • Assigned Role: The role in which you want to assign the user. This acts as the set of permissions that determines what the user can access in RingCentral Office. ‘Standard User (International)’ is set as the default. Select Edit Role to select from a list of available roles


The Settings section contains the following:
  • Select User Language: User’s primary language
  • Select Greeting Language: Language of the default user greeting that will be used when a customer contacts that user
  • Select Regional Format: Region in which the user lives
  • Automatic Call Recording: Sets automatic call recording of all those user’s calls, either for Inbound (incoming) calls, Outbound (outgoing calls), or both. You can listen to the recordings online or download the recorded conversations to your computer
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