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Engage Voice | Creating a new Main Account Role

Some users may have the option to manage Main Account Roles. These rights allow the holder to view all accounts the company has created. Only a Main Account Role holder can grant multi-account permissions to other users.

Navigating the Main Account Roles section

You can reach your Main Account Roles by navigating to Users > Main Account Roles via the left nav bar. In the Assigned Main Account Roles section, you’ll notice a different page layout from the rest of the platform, so before we review how you can create and manage your Main Account Roles, let’s first review how you can navigate this section.
This section is made up of two display panels. The left-hand panel contains a list of all your accounts and the Main Account Roles assigned to each account, which you can view by clicking the arrow to the right of the account name. At the top of the left-hand panel, you’ll find a search bar, which you can use to search for the docs you’re looking for. 
Whenever you select one of the Main Account Roles (or create a new one), a page of configuration settings for that doc will appear in the right-hand panel. At the top of the page, you’ll find two tabs: Configure and User Assignment. Under Configure, you can set up the permissions for different settings. Click on the User Assignment tab to view and assign Roles to users.
At bottom right, you’ll find the Cancel and Save buttons. If you open an existing Role, you’ll find the Delete and Clone buttons at bottom left.
Now let’s go over how you can create a new Main Account Role.

Creating a Main Account Role

To create a new Main Account Role, follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to Users > Main Account Roles via the left nav bar
2. In the left-hand panel, click the account you wish to use to create the Main Account Role
3. When the account expands, click Add new Main Account Role
4. Provide a name for the doc in the Main Account Role Name field 
5. Configure the Main Account Permissions and Product Permissions (we’ll go over these settings below)
6. Click Save at bottom right to save all your changes

Basic Information

The only field you will need to configure in this section is the following:
  • Main Account Role Name: Enter the name you wish to give the Main Account Role here (this is a required field)

Configure Permissions

In this section, you can choose which rights to add to the Main Account Role at the account level. These rights —or permissions — include allowing the 'child' to create, view, edit, delete, or manage reports for other accounts, and they remain the same at the product level, which we’ll get to next.
  • Main Account Permissions: Choose which account permissions you’d like to grant in this doc. By default, all rights are included. To remove a permission, simply click the x to the right of the permission’s name. To add it back, click into the box and begin typing the name of the permission. The permission will appear underneath — just click on it and it will be added automatically 
  • Cascade: Check this box if you’d like to have all the rights selected under the Main Account Permissions ‘cascade’ down to the users associated with this Role. Don’t check the box if you don’t want the rights to pass down to the users

Product Permissions

In this section, you can get more granular with user permissions for the Main Account Role by choosing the rights you’d like to allow for each individual product. As above (at the account level), the rights options at the product level also include Delete, Edit, View, Create, and Report for each product.
To select a right, simply click into the field below the product name (the field should read Select permissions) and you’ll see a list of all available rights appear in a dropdown menu. Click on a right to select it, and repeat as necessary. Again, click the x next to the right’s name to remove it from the list of allowed rights for that product. Available products include Queues, Agent, Chat, Campaigns, IVR designer, Phone numbers, Utilities, Web services, Script designer, Cloud profiles, Cloud destinations, Track numbers, and Knowledge base.
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