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Engage Voice | Generating audit logs

Audit logs record all events performed on the platform, generating data around certain contact center processes, actions, or activities. Administrators can use audit logs to track large scale changes to an account. 
The audit log will track the majority of changes (creation, deletion, and updates), such as changes made to lead lists, agent access, campaigns, IVRs, and queues. For example, say you want to find out who updated an account’s setting. You can generate this data by using the search criteria provided in the audit log. 
Generating audit logs can help in investigating issues where a particular part of the platform is no longer functioning as intended and you suspect it could be due to changes made to the platform. If changes are made to your account by another user and they shouldn't be, you can generate a report so you know who made the changes and when the changes were made.

Generating an audit log

Now that we’ve discussed what audit logs are used for, let’s discuss how to generate audit logs. 
Follow these steps to generate an audit log:
1. Navigate to Settings > Audit logs via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Click on the Product field and select a platform product via the dropdown list
3. Click on the Action Type field and select an action type via the dropdown list
4. Insert a user ID in the User ID field
5. Insert an element ID in the Element ID field
6. Select the start and end date in their respective fields
7. Click Search
To generate a new audit log, you can click on Clear Form at bottom right to clear the form and repeat the steps above.

Audit log configuration settings

Now that we’ve reviewed how to generate an audit log, let’s review the log settings you encounter when generating an audit log.
  • Product: Feature or component of the platform on which you would like to generate an activity report. You can have multiple products selected at a time 
  • Action Type: Type of update you’d like to see for the feature you chose in the Product dropdown. Options include InsertDelete, and Update
  • User ID: User ID of the admin user that made the change(s) you’re searching for. This will ensure you’re only viewing changes made by that specific admin user
  • Element ID: Unique ID of the item you’re searching for. This will ensure that you will only view changes made to the specified item
  • Start Date: Start date of the time frame in which you would like to generate audit logs 
  • End Date: End date of the time frame in which you would like to generate audit logs
View of Audit log configuration settings

Audit log search results

Now let’s discuss the info you’ll see in the audit log search result. 
The column descriptions for the audit log search result are listed below:
  • Type: The product on which the action was performed
  • Entity Id: Unique ID for the logged activity
  • Description: The name or description associated with the specific product item that received the action. For example, if you’re viewing changes made to outbound campaigns, the description will include the name of the campaign that was changed
  • Date/Time: Date and time the activity was performed
  • User: The admin user who made changes to that logged activity. This will be represented by the user’s email address
  • Action: The action performed on the product item. Possible options include UpdateCreate, or Delete
  • View Record: A record of the audit log for a single activity log. Click on the eye icon under this column to bring up the Audit Record modal window

Audit Record modal window

When you select the eye icon under the View Record column, you’ll open the Audit Record modal window, where you’ll find the following information: 
  • Element Type: The specific product or feature on which the activity was performed 
  • ID: Unique ID of the item or product on which the activity was performed 
  • Description: Description of the logged activity 
  • Action: Whether the user updated (Update), created (Insert), or deleted (Delete) the item
  • Date/Time: Date and time the activity was performed
  • User: The admin user who made changes in the system
In addition to the information described above, you’ll also find a table at the bottom of the Audit Record modal window. This table will inform you where the change was made (the system element) and what that change was. The information shown in this table will be dependent on the product and the type of action performed. For example, if the action performed was a deletion, the table will be blank. 
You’ll find the following information in the table:
  • Field: The system element on which the action was performed. This is dependent on the product and the type of action performed
  • Previous Value: The previous value of the system element indicated in the Field column  
  • New Value: The new value of the system element indicated in the Field column
Let’s say, for example, you’re viewing the audit record of an update made to an agent, and the audit record shows when the agent last logged in. The info in the Field column would display lastLoginDate, and the Previous Value would reflect the exact date and time that agent logged in last. In this situation, there would be nothing in the New Value column.
View of the Audit Record modal window
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