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Engage Voice | Intro to digital queue events

In Creating a digital queue, we discussed that digital queues can be configured to provide the specific experience you want each digital client to have while waiting for an agent to handle their case. This experience can be configured by creating queue events, a series of sequential events that the customer will experience once they are routed to the queue. 
You can configure queue events to be as simple or complex as you like, from requeuing a digital interaction to another digital queue, to routing a digital interaction to an agent based on skill-based routing.
To configure your digital queue events, you can navigate to Routing > Digital queues & skills via the left-hand navigation bar, select the queue in which you’d like to configure the events, and click on the Queue Events tab in the queue configuration panel. To learn more, visit Configuring digital queue events.

Priority digital queue events

In the Queue Events configuration page, you can create queue events that will typically occur in this queue, but you can also create special queue events — that is, priority queue events — that will occur when specific conditions exist, such as when your queue is closed or when the queue has reached the maximum number of digital interactions. 
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