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Engage Voice | Reviewing inbound queue
call data in Analytics

The admin interface provides real-time and historical analytics data for calls in the Analytics section of the platform. The system stores all the call activity for your inbound queues so that you can access it from Real Time dashboards or Report Downloads. Whereas Real Time dashboards allow you to instantly see real-time data in the form of widgets on your dashboard, Report Downloads allows you to download or schedule a report. To learn more about these analytics capabilities in the platform, visit Intro to Real Time and Report Downloads.
Once you have placed test calls to your inbound queue, you should review the dashboards and reports for those calls to verify that they reflect the data that you expect to see. For example, you may want to see data showing calls received in queues and assigned to agents in those queues. In this case, you could review Real Time dashboards at the exact times the calls were placed, real-time reports on the same day the calls were placed, and historical report downloads on a date at least one day after the calls were placed. 
To learn more about using real-time dashboards, visit Intro to Real-Time reporting.
In the following sections, we’ll identify some of the most relevant data or reports that you may wish to review to help assess your testing.

Real Time dashboard data for inbound testing

Let’s go over the ways you can use widgets in your dashboards for testing your inbound calls. You can access Real Time reporting by navigating to Analytics > Real Time. When you click the Add Widget button, you will be presented with various categories of widgets. The following widgets are most relevant for viewing real-time inbound activity:
  • Inbound: You can use this widget to display real-time data for all the inbound queues
  • Agent: You can use this widget to display real-time data for the agents assigned to inbound queues
To learn more about adding widgets to your real-time dashboards, visit Adding widgets.

Report Downloads for inbound testing

Now let’s go over real-time and historical inbound reports on inbound queue activity. Whereas Real Time reporting includes widgets that display immediate call activity, Report Downloads contain statistical data for a particular time period. 
You can access report downloads by navigating to Analytics > Report downloads. When you navigate to Report downloads, you will be presented with various categories of reports. The reports provided in the sections below are most relevant for viewing data on the inbound activity that has been collected in the platform.

General Reports

The following report can be found in the General Reports tab in the left-hand panel.
  • Global Inbound Call Detail: This report provides a detailed breakdown of all types of inbound calls

Inbound Reports

The following report can be found in the General Reports tab in the left-hand panel.
  • Inbound Call Detail Download: This report provides a detailed breakdown of calls to inbound queues
  • Gate Statistic Report: This report details inbound calls by inbound queues or DNIS
  • Hourly Inbound Statistics: This report shows inbound call statistics per hour or fraction of an hour

Realtime Reports

The following report can be found in the Realtime Reports tab in the left-hand panel.
  • Global Call Type Detail: This report provides complete real-time data for all calls in the platform
To learn more about these real-time and historical inbound queue call reports, visit Filtering reports.
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