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Engage Voice | Uploading phone numbers in bulk

The admin interface allows you to upload phone numbers in bulk using CSV files. Once you reach the Phone numbers page, you only need to open the More menu to proceed. 
Remember to upload the CSV file in the same format you would get when you download phone numbers. Read Viewing and exporting phone numbers to learn more. 
When you upload phone numbers in bulk, there are three outcomes you might encounter: Invalid numbers, valid numbers, or both.
When you upload phone numbers that are deemed invalid, they will be displayed under the File errors tab, and all invalid numbers will be listed in a table. You may click on Upload new file in the error message highlighted in red at the top of the page to upload a new file. There are numerous reasons why an entry in the CSV may be tagged invalid. It could be the formatting, insufficient permissions, an invalid account ID, an invalid endpoint, or an invalid start date. 
If you upload valid numbers, they will be displayed under the Valid numbers tab, and all valid numbers will be listed in a table. Read Uploading phone numbers in bulk to continue with your upload.

If you upload a file with both valid and invalid numbers, both the File errors and the Valid numbers tab will appear. You may edit your CSV file and upload again if you want to upload all phone numbers you have, or you may continue uploading the numbers already tagged as valid.

Uploading phone numbers in bulk

Follow the steps below to upload phone numbers in bulk.
1. Navigate to Channels > Phone numbers via the left-hand navigation bar.
2. Click on the More menu at the upper right, next to the Import button.
3. Select Bulk CSV update.
4. In the Bulk CSV update modal window, click Select file to upload.
5. Look for the CSV file you’ll be uploading from your computer.
6. Click on Continue.
7. Make sure the checkbox is marked next to the numbers you’ll be uploading.
8. Click on Update.
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