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Engage Voice | Historical reports reference

These reports are created by the system. They are associated with default dashboards, but you can also use them however you want.
Read about default dashboards in Historical dashboards reference
Note: Not all reports are available in default dashboards.

Helpful hint!

Some parts of the UI will refer to reports as ‘insights.’ Reports are ‘insights’ as well. Still, most of the UI will only refer to reports as ‘reports’ and not ‘insights.’ Insight is a deprecated term.


  • Agent Activity Report: Used in the Agent Activity Details section of the Agent Activity dashboard.
  • Agent Digital State Chart: Used in Agent State dashboard.
  • Agent Digital State Report: Used in the Voice and Digital Agent State section of Agent State dashboard.
  • Agent Login Time Utilization (Voice): Used in the Agent Login and Interaction Time Distribution section of Agent Activity dashboard.
  • Agent Login Utilization (Digital): Used in the Agent Login and Interaction Time Distribution section of Agent Activity dashboard.
  • Agent Occupancy Trend by Day: Used in the Capacity Trends section of Omnichannel Overview dashboard.
  • Agent Occupancy Trend by Hour: Shows a line chart of the Avg Queue Time Handling Interactions KPI’s daily trend for each channel type by the hour.
  • Agent Voice State Chart: Used in the Voice and Digital Agent State section of Agent State dashboard.
  • Agent Voice State Report: Shows a chart that gives the agent group, full name, base state, and the state time for voice agents.
  • Agents by Channel Type: Used in the Distributions by Channel Type section of Omnichannel Overview dashboard.
  • Agents by Channel Type Trend by Day: Used in the Trends by Channel Type section of Omnichannel Overview dashboard.
  • Agents Handling Interactions by Channel Type Trend by Hour: Line graph that shows the number of agents handling interactions by channel type, by the hour.



  • Abandon in Queue % by Queue: Used in the Service Level KPIs by Queue section of Inbound Voice Service Level Summary dashboard.
  • Acceptance Rate by Queue: Used in the Inbound Queues section of Inbound Overview dashboard.
  • Agent Rejected by Channel Type: Pie chart that shows the percentage of agents rejected by channel type.
  • Average Queue Time by Channel Type: Used in the Inbound Queues section of Inbound Overview dashboard.
  • Avg Queue Time by Channel Type by Hour: Bar chart that shows the average queue time by channel type, by the hour. 
  • Avg Queue Time by Channel Type Trend by Day: Used in the Capacity Trends section of Omnichannel Overview dashboard.
  • Avg Speed of Answer by Queue: Used in the Inbound Queues and Service Level KPIs by Queue sections of Inbound Overview and Inbound Voice Service Level Summary dashboards, respectively.
  • Avg Speed of Answer Day Trend: Line graph that shows the average speed of answer in seconds for each day, based on the time interval given in your filter.
  • Delay to Abandon Report: Used in the Answered Wait Time and Delay to Abandon section of Inbound Voice Service Level Summary dashboard.
  • Hourly Inbound Call Trends: Used in the Hourly Trends section of Hourly Inbound Statistics dashboard.
  • Hourly Inbound Statistics Report: Used in the Download Hourly Inbound Statistics section of Hourly Inbound Statistics dashboard.
  • Hourly Inbound Time Trends: Used in the Hourly Trends section of Hourly Inbound Statistics dashboard.
  • Inbound Abandoned by Channel Type: Pie chart that shows the number of abandoned inbound calls by channel type.
  • Inbound Abandoned Report: Chart that shows details of abandoned inbound calls that include the product group and the product. It also shows the number of calls that were presented, accepted, abandoned, and manual calls that did not connect. 
  • Inbound Accepted by Channel Type: Pie chart that shows the amount of accepted inbound calls and/or interactions by channel type.
  • Inbound Answered Report: Used in the Answered Wait Time and Delay to Abandon section of Inbound Voice Service Level Summary dashboard.
  • Inbound Deflected by Channel Type: Pie chart that shows the amount of calls or interactions that were deflected (sent to another destination) by channel type.
  • Inbound Interactions by Day: Used in the Inbound Interactions Trends section of Inbound Overview dashboard.
  • Inbound Overview Report: Used in the Inbound Queue Details section of Inbound Overview dashboard.
  • Inbound Queue Interactions: Used in the Inbound Queues section of Inbound Overview dashboard.
  • Inbound Queue Interactions Time: Used in the Inbound Queues section of Inbound Overview dashboard.
  • Manual Dials No Connect by Channel Type: Pie chart that shows the number of manual calls placed by agents that did not connect, by channel type.
  • Queue Abandon Rate % Day Trend: Line chart that shows the queue abandon rate in percentage, by day.
  • Queue Time by Channel Type: Pie chart that shows the total amount of time spent in a queue by customers, per channel.
  • RNA by Channel Type: Pie chart that shows the total number of Ring No Answer or RNA by channel.
  • Service Level by Queue: Used in the Service Level KPIs by Queue section of Inbound Voice Service Level Summary dashboard.
  • Service Level Day Trend: Line chart that shows the percentage of calls or interactions that passed the SLA out of the total of interactions queued, by day.


  • Agent Interaction Time by Channel Type: Used in the Agent Login and Interaction Time Distribution section of Agent Activity dashboard.
  • Agent Ring, Talk, and Wrap Time by Day: Used in the Trends section of Agent Activity dashboard.
  • Agents and Handled Interactions by Day: Used in the Trends section of Agent Activity dashboard.
  • Avg Handle Time by Channel Time by Hour: Line chart that shows the average handle time of interactions by the hour.
  • Avg Handle Time by Channel Type: Used in the Distributions by Channel Type section of Omnichannel Overview dashboard.
  • Avg Handle Time by Channel Type Trend by Day: Used in the Trends by Channel Type section of Omnichannel Overview dashboard.
  • Interaction Details: 
  • Interactions by Channel Type (bar chart): Used in the Distributions by Channel Type section of Omnichannel Overview dashboard.
  • Interactions by Channel Type Trend by Day: Used in the Trends by Channel Type section of Omnichannel Overview dashboard.
  • Interactions by Channel Type Trend by Hour: Bar chart that shows the number of interactions by channel per hour. 
  • Interactions Handled by Channel Type: Pie chart that shows the number of interactions handled by channel type.
  • Ring Time by Channel Type: Pie chart that shows the total amount of ring time by channel type.
  • Talk Time by Channel Type: Pie chart that shows the total amount of talk time by channel type. 
  • Wrap Time by Channel Type: Pie chart that shows the total amount of wrap time by channel type.


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