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Engage Voice | Understanding call metering

Engage Voice meters calls per minute. The price per minute depends on the type of transport (such as inbound domestic, inbound toll-free, or outbound domestic) and the actual discount applied on the customer account. Suppose that the rate per inbound domestic minute is $0.01 per minute — in this case, Engage Voice will meter calls based on this rate. However, when you receive your bill, the invoice has aggregated the minutes and bills the minutes into 10-minute chunks. There is no rounding of call durations into ten minutes chunks. 
Read more about aggregated minute billing in Understanding your invoice.

Types of transport

For information on the transport types and how they are billed, see Understanding transport charges.

Rating and metering rules

All phone transport fees are introduced as usage licenses in the Engage Voice product catalog. There are two types of call rate types. The first call rate type is a flat rate independent of call origin and destination. For this rate type the rate is introduced as a usage license that has a price per minute. The system records the duration of calls in seconds and applies a transport fee rate for the specific call category.
The second rate type depends on the call origin or destination. The system rates the calls of these categories and returns the amount of money that the customer should be charged for these calls. 
Call category
Usage is in
Inbound to domestic DID
Inbound to NA Toll Free
Manual outbound to domestic numbers NA
Dialer outbound to domestic numbers NA
International outbound
Bring your own trunk (BYOT)
Inbound IVR
Inbound IVN

Call rounding rules

Call durations are rounded for billing purposes as follows:
  • Outbound (Local and Dialer), SIP calls: Six seconds initial duration and six-second increments. 
  • Inbound local and TF calls: 30 seconds initial duration and six-second increments.
  • Inbound calls to an IVR: 30 seconds initial duration and six-second increments.
  • International calls: 30 seconds initial duration and 30-second increments.

Billing in 10-minute increments

The invoice aggregates the minutes and bills minutes into 10-minute chunks. As discussed in Understanding transport charges, certain prepayments are included in a contract. The following example shows the concepts of understanding the rating and metering of calls on your invoice.

Here is an example to illustrate — during the month of June there were 3 calls to inbound domestic numbers:
  • Call 1–9 minutes
  • Call 2–15 minutes
  • Call 3–45 minutes
Suppose that the cost per minute is $0.01, which is charged in 10-minute chunks at $0.10 per chunk. The overall domestic minutes usage for June is (9+15+45) = 69 minutes total. This time is billed by chunking the minutes as follows:
  • There are six full 10-minute chunks. This bills you for six chunks at the cost of $0.10 per chunk.
  • The 9-minute call is considered as an incomplete chunk and disregarded from the bill.
The invoice will contain an Inbound Domestic Inbound SKU per 10 minutes, Quantity = 6, Charge $0.60. This charge is less than the original per minute price for the same number of minutes, $0.69, due to the disregarded 9-minute call.
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