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Release Notes > Smarsh
Release Notes

RingCentral for Smarsh

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral for Smarsh.
Version 1.34
Release Date: 1/19/2022
  • Support Mercury partner brands with dynamic branding framework
Version 1.32
Release Date: 7/10/2021
  • Support recovering Smarsh SMS, call recording, glip message, voicemail and fax by data range
  • Display in glip message attachment file name when this attachment is failed to be uploaded in Smarsh
  • When glip event location is empty, display " " in location field when upload to Smarsh
Release Date: 9 December 2020
What's New
  • Archive call recordings from any RingCentral endpoint
  • View the call recordings in Smarsh
Release Date: 20 October 2020
What's New
  • Archive fax data and its contents sent or received from any RingCentral endpoint
  • Archive voicemail data received through any RingCentral endpoint
Release Date: 20 October 2020
What's New
  • Archive SMS and MMS data and its contents
VERSION 1.0 (beta)
Release Date: 6 December 2019
What's New
  • Archive RingCentral app message data into Smarsh via RingCentral Archiver
  • Set up Smarsh as primary cloud storage provider by authorizing your Smarsh account ID in Archiver
  • Select what data types to be archived and upload to Smarsh as an automated data archival workflow
  • Users can login to Smarsh and discover the archived data
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