Engage Voice | Setting up webhooks

Once you have configured your web services, you will need to specify webhooks to invoke the web services. A webhook is a trigger but uses a web service. To use a webhook, you first have to have a web service set up in Dev Tools. Once this is configured, you can configure the webhooks. Within your system, you will find web service trigger settings located in inbound queue configuration, outbound campaign configuration, cloud profile configuration, track number configuration, and chat queue configuration. 
Let’s review how you can configure your webhooks.

Setting up an inbound queue to invoke a web service

To set up an inbound queue to invoke a web service, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Routing > Queues via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Expand the inbound queue group in which you wish to edit an inbound queue
3. Select an inbound queue to open the queue General configuration page
4. In the Integrations section, select which web services should fire for each event
5. Click the Save button at bottom right to save your changes

Queue integration settings

The inbound queue contains a variety of web service configuration options, which can be found in the Integrations section of the General configuration page. The list below contains all available configuration panel settings for integration of web services into your inbound queue.
  • Dequeue Web Service: Triggers every time a caller is sent to an agent (even if the agent does not answer the phone). This may result in multiple calls to the web service for the same phone call
  • Auto Result File Destination: A legacy feature that provides preconfigured call detail records that are sent daily. We recommend that you instead use the customizable historical reports available in the platform
  • Agent Connect Web Service: Triggers when an agent is successfully connected to a caller
  • Agent Termination Web Service: Triggers when an agent session is terminated
  • Post Call Web Service: Triggers when a caller hangs up the phone, or an agent disconnects the call
  • Post Disposition Web Service: Triggers when an agent dispositions a call
  • Transfer Termination Web Service: Triggers as each call transfer is terminated (once per transfer)

Setting up an outbound campaign to invoke a web service

To set up an outbound campaign to invoke a web service, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Dialing > Campaigns via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Expand the campaign group in which you wish to edit a campaign
3. Select a campaign to open the campaign General configuration page
4. In the Campaign Integrations section, select which web services should fire for each event
5. Click Save to save your changes

Campaign integration settings

The outbound campaign contains a variety of web service configuration options, which can be found in the Integrations section of the General configuration page. The list below contains all available configuration panel settings for the integration of web services into your outbound campaign.
  • Agent Connect Web Service: Triggers when an agent is successfully connected to a caller
  • Agent Termination Web Service: Triggers when an agent session is terminated
  • Transfer Termination Web Service: Triggers as each call transfer is terminated (once per transfer)
  • Post Call Web Service: Triggers when a caller hangs up the phone, or an agent disconnects the call
  • Post Disposition Web Service: Triggers when an agent dispositions a call
  • Auto Result File Destination: A legacy feature that provides preconfigured call detail records that are sent daily. We recommend that you instead use the customizable historical reports available in the platform

Setting up a cloud profile configuration to invoke a web service

To set up your cloud profile to invoke a web service, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to IVR > Cloud Routing > Cloud Profiles via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Expand the cloud group in which you wish to edit a cloud profile
3. Select a cloud profile to open the campaign General configuration page
4. In the Web Services section, select which web services should fire for the event
5. Click Save to save your changes

Cloud routing profile integration settings

The cloud profile contains a variety of web service configuration options, which can be found in the Web Services section of the General configuration page. The list below contains all available configuration panel settings for integration of web services into your cloud routing profiles.
  • Call Start: Triggers every time a call is sent to an agent
  • Call Connected: Triggers when an agent is successfully connected to a caller
  • Call End: Triggers when a call ends

Setting up a track number to invoke a web service

To set up your track configuration to invoke a web service, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to IVR > Track > Track numbers via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Expand the track number group in which you wish to edit a track number
3. Select a track number to open the campaign General configuration page
4. In the Integration section, select which web services should fire for the event
5. Click Save to save your changes

Track number integration settings

The track configuration contains a single web service configuration field, which can be found in the Integrations section of the General configuration page. The list below contains the configuration panel setting for integration of web services into your track numbers.
  • Post Call Web Service: Triggers when a caller hangs up the phone, or an agent disconnects the call

Setting up a chat queue to invoke a web service

To set up an inbound queue to invoke a web service, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Chat > Chat queues via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Expand the chat queue group in which you wish to edit a chat queue
3. Select a chat queue to open the queue General configuration page
4. In the Integration Settings section, select which web services should fire for each event
5. Click the Save button at bottom right to save your changes

Chat queue integration settings

The chat queue contains a variety of web service configuration options, which can be found in the Integrations section of the General configuration page. The list below contains all available configuration panel settings for integration of web services into your chat queue.
  • New Chat: Triggers every time a new chat is created
  • Dequeue: Triggers when a chat is dequeued to an agent
  • Agent Connect: Triggers when an agent is successfully connected to the chat session
  • Agent Termination: Triggers when an agent chat session is terminated
  • Post Disposition: Triggers when an agent dispositions the chat
  • Post Chat: Triggers when the chat session ends
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