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Release Notes > Mobile App
Release Notes

RingCentral Mobile App | October 2020

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Mobile App.
VERSION 20.4.10
Release Date: 09.10.2020
What's New
  • Dark theme
    • Select between dark and light theme for your in app experience. (iOS 13 and above. Android 9 and above)
  • Team Connect (RingCentral Video)
    • Keep your meeting and team communications more efficient by linking them together.
  • Calendar integrations
    • Easily join and schedule meetings by connecting your Google or Microsoft Outlook calendars. Functionality is slowly being rolled out slowly through the month.
  • Active speaker (RingCentral Video)
    • During a meeting, the active speaker's video will be larger so that it's easily discernible who's talking.
  • Invite accessibility (RingCentral Video)
    • If you're alone in a meeting, we've made it easier to invite people to join you. 
Known Issues with iOS14
  • Outgoing call
    • Calls will not end when the system power button is pressed.
  • RingCentral Meetings
    • If you make a phone call after you have ended a RingCentral Meeting --  only audio controls work on the lock screen. 
    • Workaround: Kill the app and launch it again
Coming Soon
  • RingCentral Video Waiting Room
    • Schedule meetings with waiting rooms to control who joins your meeting and when.
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