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Release Notes

RingCentral Mobile App | May 2019

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Mobile App.
Release Date: May 2019
What's New
  • Search in company call logs
    • Admins can now search through company call logs on mobile by extension or phone number
  • Custom ringtone
    • Users can now customize their mobile ringtones for incoming calls (both video and audio), making it easy to distinguish between personal and work calls by customizing the ringtones.
  • Siri integration
    • Users can now ask Siri to send a direct or SMS message for them on the RingCentral app.
  • Native Caller ID for iOS video calls
    • Users can now answer an incoming video call or meeting invitation from the RingCentral app directly from their iOS lock screen instead of having to click on a push notification.
  • Warm transfer
    • In addition to Transfer Now (direct transfer), users now have the option to Ask First (warm transfer) or send to Voicemail when transferring calls. 
  • Forward as Fax
    • Users can now forward previously received or sent fax on their mobile.
  • Custom notifications
    • Users will now have the ability to customize mobile notification sounds, making it easier to distinguish between notifications from the RingCentral app compared to other apps. – Available early June
  • New Fax tab
    • Mobile users will now see a standalone Fax feature tab under “More” on iOS, and together with other 1st layer tabs on Android. This also comes along with fax bulk delete functionality.
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