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Release Notes > Phone Desktop > February 2019
Release Notes

RingCentral Phone Desktop | February 2019

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Phone Desktop.
Release Date: February 2019
What's New
  • Call delegation
    • A simplified view inside the HUD for assistants who handle calls on behalf of multiple executives. Admins can easily place, pick up, or even join an in-progress call to take notes or document follow up actions.
  • Calls-only mode
    • When RingCentral services are unavailable, users can still access their RingCentral Phone Desktop app and perform basic functionalities such as making or receiving calls.
  • Native OS incoming calls notifications
    • Users will be able to change their app setting to display incoming calls through a native desktop notification instead of an in-app pop-up window.
  • Ability to pause/mute an automatic call recording
    • For accounts with automatic call recordings enabled, users will be able to pause or mute the recording to exclude sensitive information.
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