Engage Voice | Audio library overview

The platform’s audio library is your repository for audio files that can be applied at various points in your queues, campaigns, and scripts. It consists of two parts: your account audio library and the global audio library.
Audio files can consist of anything you like in terms of content (see the requirements section below for size and file type restrictions). You can use that content to provide agents with an agent whisper, for example, or you can use it as your hold or call transfer audio. You can keep certain audio files specific to one account, or you can share them across all accounts for easy access. And you can upload, edit, and remove audio files from any library at any time via various settings throughout the system.

Global vs. account-level audio libraries

Now, your account audio library is exactly what it sounds like: it’s a collection of audio files that you upload into the system at the account level. This means that if you have multiple accounts and you want to keep certain audio files assigned only to specific accounts, you can upload those files to that account’s audio library and they will remain available only to the account in which you uploaded them.
Audio files that you upload to the global audio library are available throughout the entire system, for every account. The global account library also comes stocked with a variety of standard audio files that you can use anywhere and however you like throughout the platform.
To recap: Account audio libraries are only available for the account you uploaded the audio file(s) into. Meanwhile, the global audio library is available across all accounts.

Audio file playback behavior

Most audio file settings throughout the platform allow you to select multiple audio files for playback. Please be aware that if you do select multiple audio files, they will play in the order in which they are selected and will terminate after they’ve played through one time. We’ll go over how to edit your playback list in just a moment.

Accessing audio libraries throughout the platform

As discussed above, you’ll find that audio libraries are available in a few different locations throughout the system — for example, you’ll find them in both Routing and Dialing. You can also access your audio library at any time by navigating to Settings > Audio Library via the left-hand navigation bar. 
You’ll also encounter  audio in settings in places like the Term Message setting in your campaign disposition settings, or the Single Play Audio and Looping Audio settings in your queue event configuration settings.
When you come across a setting in the platform that involves audio file management, our documentation will direct you to this article. Since there are multiple points of entry to this topic, we’ll discuss the topic in a more general fashion and you can apply the principles you learn here to whichever part of the platform you’re currently working in. Just remember that the basic processes for audio file management remain the same throughout all parts of the platform. 

Audio file upload requirements

Please note that audio files must be in MP3, MP4, AIFF, or PCM format. The maximum audio file size you can upload to any library is 100MB.
Now that you know the basics on audio libraries, we’ll talk about how to select, upload, and configure your audio files next. 
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