Engage Voice | Configuring agent settings on a queue

If you wish to configure queue-specific settings for your agents, including script assignment and disposition settings, you can do so via the General tab in your queue’s configuration panel. Scroll down to the Agent Settings section and refer to the setting explanations below to set your preferences.
Let’s go over the different agent settings available to you at the queue level.
  • Disable Dispositions and Agent Notes: Check this box to prevent dispositions and the Agent Notes field from appearing within the agent interface for this queue. Enable this setting when you wish to provide those options within an integrated agent script or an external app instead
  • Integrated Script: Use this dropdown menu to select an agent script for this queue. The script you choose here will be presented by default to all agents taking calls in this queue. You can build new scripts via the Script Designer tray setting under Agent Tools
  • External App URL: Enter a URL here if you wish the system to pop an external application (e.g., a website) when an agent is connected to a call. Click the down arrow beside the field to reveal a number of tokens, or hashtagged data tags, that come from system-generated or collected call and agent information. Click on one or more tags if you wish to append them to the URL you entered above. The selections you make here will append to the end of the external application’s URL. When the system goes to pop that URL, it will take agents to the page referenced by the tag(s) you entered in this field

Helpful hint!

It is possible to have both an external application pop and an integrated script on the same queue. If you wish to pop a website within the agent interface, add ‘parent:’ in front of the URL. When you use the ‘parent:’ option, only the external application URL you entered will pop; the system will ignore the campaign’s integrated script.

The external application URL must allow iFrames in order to work — and it must use secure encryption (that is, 'https' instead of 'http'). You can use a site like the following to test for iFrame permissions: https://bit.ly/2okBu2k
  • Backup External App URL:  If your external application is unresponsive and you’d like to activate a backup external application, enter the URL to that service in this field. The same tokens are available here as within the primary External App URL setting we discussed above. If you want to swap the primary URL with the backup URL, click the opposite-facing arrows icon to the right of the Backup External App URL option
  • TT Accept: ​(Touch Tone Accept) Check this box if you’d like to require your agents to press a key when they’re ready to accept a call. We recommend you select an Agent​ ​Whisper​ ​file to remind agents that they need to press a key to accept the waiting caller. When the TT Accept field is checked, the Agent Whisper​ will play twice. If the agent does not accept the call, it will be requeued and the agent set to an RNA status
  • Hangup on Disposition: Select this option to ensure agent calls are terminated immediately following disposition. This can be useful if you wish to ensure that a call is dispositioned only when the agent is ready to end the call (rather than at any other time during the call)
  • Enable Global Phone Book: Check this box to allow agents to access your global phone book (which can be configured via Agent Tools > Phone Book) when making transfers
  • Enable IVR Tokens: This advanced feature allows you to pass tokens from IVR Studio (created via the scripting node) to an external app URL on the queue. Contact your CSM for more information on this setting
  • Post Call State: Choose the agent state you would like to place agents in once they finish a call. Options in this dropdown menu will populate according to the agent states you configure via the Agent States configuration panel option at the account level
  • Wrap Time: Also referred to as After-Call Work (ACW). If you set the Post Call State setting (see above) to Available, you can set a time in this field (in seconds) that you wish to give your agent between calls. This can be useful if agents have tasks they need to complete between calls
  • Max Accept Time: For agents not in an offhook session, this setting specifies the amount of time in seconds the queue will ring the agent’s phone before requeueing the call to attempt another agent. If an agent doesn’t answer within this time frame and the call is requeued, the agent will be placed in a Ring No-Answer (RNA) status to indicate the agent is not available to handle calls
  • Disposition Alert Time (sec.): This setting allows you to choose a time (in seconds) after which agents will receive a reminder to disposition their call. The timer starts when a call ends
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