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Notes de publication

RingCentral Rooms

Restez à jour avec les dernières fonctionnalités, améliorations et corrections de bogues pour RingCentral Rooms.
RingCentral Rooms for Windows
VERSION 21.3.10
Release Date: 06/07/2021
What's New
  • Multiple display
    • Supports multiple displays in active speaker view, gallery view and content only view.
  • Move and resize on-screen thumbnail
    • Allow users to enlarge, reposition, or hide the floating window in active speaker view within a single display.
  • NQI
    • Real-time display of participant's network quality indicators to suggest or predict meeting experience.
  • Hide meeting info for private meetings
    • Mask private information of meetings such as meeting subject and meeting host.
  • Invite by phone
    • Invite participants via phone calls into the video conference.
  • Software audio processing
    • Disabled/Enable audio processing to avoid audio echo. 
  • Send Windows Rooms health/status data to Analytics
    • Real-time monitor of Rooms status in terms of Online, Offline, or In Meeting
Bug Fixes
  • Performance enhancements and bug fix
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