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Release Notes > Engage Voice > August 2020
Release Notes

RingCentral Engage Voice | August 2020

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Engage Voice.
VERSION 20.3.2
Release Date: 8/12/2020
What's New
These Release Notes provide an update on features and enhancements for Engage Voice products. RingCentral may update these Release Notes to document additional resolved and known issues.
This is the 20.3.2 Release note.
The following features are being released as part of 20.3.2 using the URLs listed below. 
  • Voicemail Detection Profiles
  • Admin UI Update
  • New Reports
  • Engineering Improvements
V.ACD (AWS 80)
Virtual ACD (AWS 82)
Reminder: RingCentral Office Integration with Engage Voice Platform is available for all customers. 
In addition to the features listed above, all customers are encouraged to start using the simplified URL -- -- to benefit from additional features from the RingCentral Office Integration with Engage Voice. Refer to the 20.3.1 Release Notes for reference. 
New features will continue to be enabled for accounts integrated with RC Office.
Interested? Send an email to [email protected] and ask to be enabled with RingCentral Office.
  • Voicemail Detection Profiles:
Finetune 8 different parameters to optimize Voicemail detection.  Store the resulting settings into a specific “Profile”. Profiles can then be assigned to specific campaigns of similar use cases to maximize the desired voicemail detection (e.g. profiles specific to carriers, or more aggressive profiles for some specific campaigns, etc).
Agent UI App Switcher Functionality screenshot
2- Default Voicemail Detection profile at the Account level:  Enable admins to create new profiles and set them as a default so it will be picked automatically whenever a new campaign is created.
Agent UI App Switcher Functionality screenshot
3. Campaigns assigned per profile. Show the number of campaigns that are currently using a specific profile for quick assessment of the most popular profiles.
Agent UI App Switcher Functionality screenshot
4. Assign associated campaigns to a different profile before deletion: Enable a pop-up that suggests assigning a different profile to the campaign in case they are associated with a specific profile, prior to deleting. 
Delete Profile feature screenshot
5. Profile set up as “default” to be applied automatically on newly created campaigns: When a new campaign is created, whatever profile tagged as “default” ( “Normal” in this screenshot) will be applied. Select the “Voicemail Detection Profile” menu to change the profile as desired.
Profile set up as “default” to be applied automatically on newly created campaigns screenshot
Profile set up as “default” to be applied automatically on newly created campaigns screenshot
  • Admin UI Update
Create new Group Objects (Admin Groups, Web Services, Cloud, Track Numbers, and Queues) on a pop-up window, instead of going to a new page.
Admin UI Update
  • New Reports
The following new reports have been added: 
1. Report Cloud DNIS to DID Routing Report

a. Maps out all possible destinations (DID) that may be routed to a single Engage Voice number (DNIS).

2. Billing Detail Records Dialer Report

a. Shows all outbound calls with durations rounded to the nearest 6 second increment to match billing increments. 

3. Billing Detail Records Inbound Report

a. Shows all inbound calls with durations rounded to the nearest 6 second increment to match billing increments.

4. Billing Detail Records Report: Max Concurrent Users

a. Displays the highest amount of concurrent agent logins by day.

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