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version 24.1.20
Release date: February 2024
External Shared Contacts
External Shared Directory allows the Customer Admin to upload a list of external contacts that will be available in RingCentral endpoints (deskphones, desktop app and mobile app) to all extensions/users on the account.
Filtering contacts by department
You can now filter by department when searching contacts, making searches more targeted.
Message reminders
Use reminders to help you revisit specific messages or tasks. Set a time to get reminded, and you'll get a notification to jog your memory about the message.
SMS personal templates (open beta)
Don't type from scratch your frequently sent text messages, like sales promos or reminders. Create, edit, and delete SMS templates directly in your text conversation, eliminating the need for copy/pasting from other sources.
Double tap to add thumbs-up emoji reaction
Double-tap a message to quickly add a thumbs-up 👍 emoji reaction