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Release Notes

RingCentral Mobile App | May 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Mobile App.
version 22.2.20
Release Date: 5/25/2022 to 6/1/2022
  • An emoji is worth a thousand words 🙌
    • Use emojis  and reactions to let others know how you feel and to give feedback in meetings.
  • Meeting summaries
    • Recap meetings or catch up on anything you missed in just a few minutes.
  • Call contacts from the dialpad
    • Start typing a name or number to instantly search and call your contact.
  • Video picture-in-picture
    • Continue to view your meetings in a smaller window while multitasking on other apps on your mobile device
  • Support for French 4-digit short codes
    • Customers on the French dial plan can now use 4-digit short codes such as 10XX to reach telephone operator services and 39XX to reach French public services.
  • Team video call limit
    • To prevent accidentally calling large teams, video calls can't be made to teams over a certain size.
  • Event attachments
    • Share more details about your events by adding files or media content.
  • Screen privacy when switching apps
    • To maintain your privacy, your app screen will blur its content when switching apps.
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