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Release Notes > Webinar > December 2022
Release Notes

RingCentral Webinar | December 2022

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Webinar.
VERSION 22.4.30
Release Date: 12/22/2022
What's New
  • Host webinars using the RingCentral Mobile App: Hosts and Cohosts can start and run webinars on the road using the RingCentral Mobile App for iOS and Android. They can even create spot polls using the app while a webinar is underway, a great way to gauge attendee sentiment. The in-webinar experience is near-identical to RingCentral Video meetings, eliminating the learning curve for users.
  • Join webinars as panelists using RingCentral Rooms: Webinar Hosts can invite RingCentral Rooms to join webinars as panelists when scheduling the session. Panelists can join webinars from these invited RingCentral Rooms or by using their own personal Rooms systems, a common scenario for executives. The in-webinar experience is near-identical to RingCentral Video meetings, eliminating the learning curve for users.
  • 240p Video for Mobile Attendees: Attendees on the RingCentral Mobile App or Mobile Browsers can now receive the webinar live-stream at 240p resolution with no extra effort on their part. As a result, they can view webinar content and hear presenter audio in the face of poor cellular connections, an everyday reality for mobile users on the road, in dense urban areas, and inside office buildings.
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