Introduction to Live Reports dashboards
| RingEX

Last updated on September 01, 2021

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Using widgets, the Live Reports dashboards can be configured to show details that give real-time insights into call queue and queue member details. If you are enabled to create dashboards, you can create and configure multiple dashboards to report different sets of data in a way that is useful to you. 
When you own a dashboard, you can use the dashboard interface to:
  • Search for a dashboard that has already been created
  • Edit by clicking the gear icon if you own the dashboard. If you don’t, you can hover over the information button to see who owns it
  • Delete by clicking the trash icon
  • Make a copy by clicking on the Duplicate icon
  • Add a new dashboard by clicking the Plus icon
  • Freeze dashboard data by toggling the Auto-Refresh Data slider to the left and resume by toggling it to the right
  • Expand the dashboard to full-screen by clicking the Wallboard option
Let’s take a closer look at each of the dashboard options.
Live Reports dashboard options.

Searching for a dashboard

The field on the upper left displays the name of the current dashboard. Click the dropdown arrow to display two tabs: All and My Dashboards. Scroll through the list, or type your search criteria into the name field. You can open any of the names in the list, but are only able to modify those you own. If you are not the owner, you can still duplicate the selection and make changes to your copy. A window lets you rename and choose whether to designate it private and visible only to you, or public and visible to anyone with access to Live Reports. 
All lists all public and logged in users’ private dashboards in one list. My Dashboards lists all dashboards that you have created and therefore own. The dashboards you own are signified by a lock icon after the dashboard name. 
Note: If you’ve chosen to make some dashboards private, only you will be able to see them in the dropdown list. These have a lock icon next to the name to let you know they are private, and visible only to you.

Editing a dashboard

To the right of the name field is a gear icon. Click this to open a window with settings to modify the dashboard name and choose privacy settings. Select Private to make it visible only to you. Select Public to allow anyone with Live Reports access to view it, then click Save
Note: Only an owner can edit a dashboard. If you don’t own the dashboard, you can find out who owns it by hovering over the information icon next to the dashboard name field.

Deleting a dashboard

To delete a dashboard you no longer need, click the trash icon to the right of the name field. This action cannot be undone. Click Delete to confirm. 
Note: Only an owner can delete a dashboard. If you don’t own the dashboard, you can find out who owns it by hovering over the information icon next to the dashboard name field.

Duplicating a dashboard

Clicking the Duplicate icon makes an editable copy. This is useful when you want to keep an existing dashboard, but modify it to show different information, or make a copy of one owned by someone else and add your own modifications. A modal window lets you rename and choose privacy options. When you duplicate a dashboard, you own the new copy. 
Note: A Super Admin managing multiple sites can create dashboards that are meant to be cloned by local managers who modify it to show information relevant to their site. For example, a dashboard that monitors all queues for all locations, could be duplicated by managers at each location and modified to show only the information they need.

Adding a dashboard

Click the plus icon to create a new dashboard. A window lets you name and choose privacy options. Click Save to confirm your choices.

Auto Refresh Data

A toggle in the upper right lets you pause data refresh. This allows you to examine details of the report in a static state. To resume data refresh, slide the toggle to Auto Refresh Data.


To enlarge the dashboard view, you have two options:
  • Click Expand to enlarge the frame by eliminating the top information bar and left navigation bar. 
  • Click Wallboard to further expand the view, removing the browser frame and displaying the dashboard across your entire screen. Click Esc to return to the Expanded view.

Submit Idea

In the upper right corner of the main pane is an option to submit ideas for Live Reports enhancements. Clicking the light bulb icon opens to a new tab where you can detail your suggestion.

Log out

To log out of the Analytics Portal, click on your user name on the top right corner, then click Log Out. If you are in expanded view, the three-dot menu icon on the upper right gives you the option to log out of Analytics.
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