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Upgrading RingCentral Meetings Rooms to RingCentral Rooms

Last updated on February 14, 2023

Table of contents

Admin tasks

You’ll need to migrate RingCentral Meetings Rooms users to RingCentral Rooms. 
When your account has been upgraded, you’ll receive the same number of RingCentral Rooms licenses that you had for RingCentral Meetings Rooms.

Managing RingCentral Meetings and RingCentral Video settings

During the upgrade process, you can manage both RingCentral Meeting Rooms and RingCentral Video Rooms via the Admin Portal.

To manage and switch between the settings for these two apps:
  1. Go to the Admin Portal and sign in.
  2. Select Meetings from the top navigation bar. 
  3. Select either RingCentral Video or RingCentral Meetings from the dropdown.
    1. Choose RingCentral Video to view and edit current RingCentral Video Rooms, Calendar, and Meeting settings.
    2. Choose RingCentral Meetings to view and edit current RingCentral Meetings Rooms, Calendar, and Meeting settings.

Steps to complete migration

1. Ensure that your conference room hardware is compatible with RingCentral Rooms

2. Assign RingCentral Rooms permissions to an admin role

To allow your admins to configure your RingCentral Rooms company settings, you’ll need to assign RingCentral Rooms admin permissions to a role in the Admin Portal, then assign that role to your admin users. Learn more about assigning RingCentral Rooms permissions.

3. Integrate your Microsoft Office 365 or Google Calendar with RingCentral Rooms

Integrating your company’s calendar lets users schedule, view, and join meetings in a RingCentral Room. 

Helpful hint!

Note: You can use the RingCentral Calendar Migration tool to bulk-update scheduled RingCentral Meetings to RingCentral Video invitations for all users.

4. Add a RingCentral Room and assign it to a calendar in Admin Portal

Connect a calendar to a room to show that calendar’s upcoming events on the controller screen, then enable event-based features such as Join now.

Add a Room Template to change the default regional and site settings for multiple rooms across multiple locations.

5. Migrate a phone number from RingCentral Meetings Rooms to RingCentral Rooms

Reassign your phone lines from RingCentral Meetings Rooms to RingCentral Rooms.

6. Uninstall RingCentral Meetings Rooms from each controller and host device

As part of the upgrade process, you’ll need to uninstall RingCentral Meetings Rooms from all of your controllers and host devices.
Tip: Make sure you upgrade your host’s and controller’s operating systems and third-party USB device drivers before you install RingCentral Rooms.

7. Install RingCentral Rooms on each controller and host device

Install RingCentral Rooms on your Rooms-compatible controllers and host devices. Ensure that your host and controller devices are compatible with RingCentral Rooms.

8. Sign in to the RingCentral Rooms controller and pair your host device

Once you’ve installed RingCentral Rooms on your controller and host device, sign in on both devices and pair the host device to the controller. This process seamlessly connects the two devices and eliminates the need for such peripherals as a mouse or a keyboard. 

9. Finish setting up your RingCentral Rooms controller

Once you’ve paired the controller and host device, you can sign in to RingCentral Rooms on your controller and configure your Rooms settings.
  1. Sign in to RingCentral Rooms on your controller.
  2. Tap the Settings gear icon at the top right.
  3. Configure your meeting settings as needed on the General settings page.
  4. Tap Audio in the left panel.
  5. Make sure you select the correct microphone and speaker.
  6. Test your microphone and speaker, and adjust the levels accordingly.
  7. Tap Video in the left panel.
  8. Choose the conference room camera you’d like to connect to.

10. Start or join a RingCentral Video meeting to confirm that the upgrade was successful

Helpful hint!

Note: During migration, you can run either RingCentral Meetings Rooms or RingCentral Rooms on your Rooms controller, but you won’t be able to run them simultaneously.

User tasks

If you currently have RingCentral Meetings Rooms, you’ll migrate to RingCentral Rooms. Your company admins will perform most of the required steps for this migration, but you’ll need to do a few things to make sure your meetings run smoothly.

Move your previously scheduled meetings to RingCentral Video

To ensure you don’t lose any meeting appointments from your calendar, update any recurring meetings with the new RingCentral Video dial-in phone numbers and meeting IDs.

Getting started with RingCentral Rooms

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