Chat: Tap to send a message to hosts and panelists.
Leave: Tap to leave the webinar.
Mute: Tap to mute or unmute your audio.
Start Video: Tap to turn on or off your device’s front camera.
Share: Tap to share your screen or turn on and share your device’s back camera.
Participants: Tap to view the list of hosts, panelists, and attendees.
More: Tap to access the following:
Disconnect audio: Tap to disconnect your audio and choose how to join: Use internet audio, Dial in, Call me or Continue without audio.
Virtual background: Tap to select from a list of virtual backgrounds or add/upload a virtual background from your device’s photo and video library.
Settings: Tap to configure how long it takes to hide the webinar toolbar controls. You can tap the screen to hide the toolbar or automatically hide it after 5 seconds to 5 minutes of being idle. If you select Never automatically hide, you will need to tap the screen to hide webinar controls.
Send feedback: Tap to report a problem or give feedback about your webinar experience.
Submit feature idea: Tap to submit feature and improvement ideas directly to RingCentral’s product team.