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Release Notes > Meetings Desktop > February 2019
Release Notes

RingCentral Meetings Desktop App | February 2019

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Meetings Desktop App.
Release Date: February 2019
What's New
  • 64-bit RC Meetings App (Mac only)
    • Although the RC Meetings 32-bit still has full functionality, this 64-bit version ensures continued functionality on the latest Mac OS.
  • Webinar Q&A Enhancements (Mac/Win)
  • Hosts, co-hosts, and panelists can dismiss answered and unanswered questions
  • Hosts can enable public Q&A, allowing attendees to comment
  • Attendees can upvote questions and view them sorted by upvotes
  • MacBook Pro Touch Bar Support (Mac/Win)
    • Users now have the ability to manage RC Meeting controls using the MacBook Pro Touch Bar
  • Additional Updates (Mac and Windows)
  • Share computer sound only – Meetings users will be able to share computer audio without being required to share their screen.
  • Share part of a screen – Meetings users will be able to share a portion of their screen instead of sharing a single application or their entire desktop.
  • Push to talk – Users who wish to unmute temporarily to chime in with a short comment can do so by simply pressing the spacebar on their keyboard.
  • Native OS upcoming meeting notifications – Users will be able to receive operating system notifications (Windows and Mac) about upcoming meetings and join with just one click, even when your calendar app is closed.
  • Zoom into shared content in a meeting or webinar – Users will be able to zoom in on shared content during a meeting for easier viewing.
  • Option to test computer audio – Users can verify their audio is working properly before actually joining audio for the RC Meeting they have already joined.
  • Admit all participants in the waiting room at once – Users can save time by admitting all participants from a waiting room into the meeting all at once.
  • Real-time closed caption – Users can now view closed captions being typed in real-time.
  • Participants can save closed captions – Participants now have the ability to download and save closed captions from their RC Meeting.
  • Disable safe driving mode – Users can now disable Safe Driving Mode for all Meetings in their RingCentral Meetings mobile apps under the settings menu.
  • Local recording with screen sharing – Users can now configure local recordings settings to capture video during a screen share.
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