Rooms & Devices: Locations with Problematic Rooms
widget on the Overview dashboard | RingEX

Last updated on September 01, 2021
This widget shows all locations associated with Offline rooms and devices that had at least one instance of being offline over the previous 72 hours. The room or device is listed even if it is currently available. This table helps identify locations that need troubleshooting.
Locations with Problematic Rooms and Devices widget
Columns display for both rooms and devices by total number, number of those that are offline, and by percentage of those that are offline. Use the arrows to the left of each column heading to sort by that column.

Clicking on an entry in the # Offline Rooms column redirects you to the Rooms dashboard. Clicking on an entry in the # Offline Devices or Offline Devices in Last 72 Hours column redirects you to the Devices dashboard. Those dashboards make available extensive detail for the offline rooms or devices at the selected location.
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