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Need SMS help? Our dedicated SMS/TCR team is here for you. Chat with a live agent, ask our community, or call 1-888-898-4591 (Opt 3). Carriers now require TCR compliance to send text messages.
Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Archiver.
Version 22.4.30
Release Date: 12/20/2022
Notify users by email when the SFTP cloud storage is full
Show a banner in Archiver front end page when the connected SFTP is full
Version 22.4.10
Release Date: 10/26/2022
Support longer SFTP password at Archiver SFTP connection from 64 to 128 characters
Allow admin to archive the deleted user’s call recordings as long as the call recordings are available
Version 22.3.30
Release Date: 9/26/2022
Support Charter Enterprise and Charter SMB for Archiver
Version 22.3.20
Release Date: 9/8/2022
Establish a new server in EU to allow EU users to archive without any data leaving EU, complying with EU data policy
Migrate all current EU users' configuration data and logs from US server to the new EU server
Version 22.2.20
Release Date: 5/25/2022
Shows error message "We couldn't connect your {providerName} account. Please try again later" when a cloud is failed to be connected
Bug Fixes
Message "Your changes were successfully saved" was not displaying when users saved changes on Sync option page, now fixed.
Version 22.2.10
Release Date: 4/20/2022
Add a new eu afe domain into abe cors setting. It will be used for EU data compliance project. Service web will make changes to decide an RC account should belong to Archiver EU or US domain. It usually takes SW several weeks to roll out a change to all pods. Therefore, Archiver creates this new domain to route EU accounts to US server during SW rolling-out period.
Now Shows error message when a user put an invalid Smarsh token at Smarsh connection
If an Archiver user or admin loses the call recording permission, the “Last Date To” will not be updated. When the Archiver user or admin gets the call recording permission back, Archiver will back up the call recordings from the date the user lost the call recording permission.
Bug Fixes
When a user save changes in Sync Option page, the red information icon will not show behind extension call recording option at saving process
After the user makes changes in Sync option, the user can now open Archive Log - Phone Log page without any error
Now Shows an error message when a user puts an invalid Smarsh token during the Smarsh connection
Version 22.1.30
Release Date: 3/28/2022
Bug Fixes
No longer displays the "Your changes were successfully saved" message when a user closes the banner "You don't have the permission to back up all your selected data."
Version 22.1.20
Release Date: 2/23/2022
What's New
UI improvement for extension call recording archiving without sufficient permission
Version 22.1.10
Release Date: 1/19/2022
Wrap the message properly in text box without breaking one word into 2 lines
Show tooltip instead of information icon for disabled checkbox
Version 21.4.30
Release Date: 12/13/2021
UI enhancement when archiver administrators don’t have sufficient permissions to access company level data
SFTP whitelist updates at connection
Version 21.4.20
Release Date: 11/22/2021
Enhance monitoring tool that deleted items will not be alerted
Version 21.4.10
Release Date: 10/28/2021
Improved token expiration email copy to describe how long the problem persists and how to fix it
Bug Fixes
Now displays the correct value in Status column in the excel file in the “Downloaded from Phone log” tab
Version 21.3.3
Release Date: 11/29/2021
Bug Fixes
Any changes of checkbox value will be reset right after save button is clicked. Now fixed.
Version 21.3.2
Release Date: 8/30/2021
Bug Fixes
Now displays the correct value in Status column in the excel file in the “Downloaded from Phone log” tab
Version 21.2.3
Release Date: 7/26/2021
What's New
Admins can self-service and manage roles and permissions for Archiver
Custom roles can be created by admins with customized archiving privileges and users assigned to each role
Fix the value in “Status” column in the exported Microsoft Excel archive log
Version 21.2.2
Release Date: 6/10/2021
What's New
Archiver UI improvement:
Adjust filter length, width and spaces between filters in Archive log to ensure all default messages can be displayed and match with SW style
Update Archive Log columns label from “Created” to “File Created” and “Archived” to “File Archived” to avoid confusion
Adjust data retention banner border and line
Replace notification "Sorry, we couldn't connect with your external storage service. Please try again. " to banner and keep the banner presenting when the Archiver is disconnected by system, but not by user
Display messages at Archiver login when Archiver is failed to be connected due to platform error
Display error message for not-supported brand
Add toggle to allow archiving into Box shared folder
Refactor SMS fetcher service to improve reliability for SMS admin archiving
Implement Router service to provide reliable message router to storage
VERSION 21.2.1
Release Date: 4/22/2021
What's New
Archiver UI improvement:
Restrict search range to only be 30 days maximum in Archiver logs
Display notification in banners when storage is full/ archiver backup is turned off/ archiver is not connected to any storage
Adjust data retention banner display after service web improves
Display error message when Archiver backend is down
Bug Fixes
Some customers cannot connect SFTP with Archiver
Google drive cannot be connected to Archiver with Safari browser
VERSION 21.1.2
Release Date: 3/17/2021
What's New
Archiver UI overall improvement and enhancement for GA
VERSION 21.1.1
Release Date: 1/29/2021
What's New
Add feature toggle to execute account or extension level API for admin level archiving
Release proactive monitoring tool
Enhance recovery tool to display missing items
VERSION 20.4.2
Release Date: 12/10/2020
What's New
Send out notification when there are items failed to be archived each day