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Release Notes

RingCentral Video Desktop & Web

Stay up to date with the latest features, improvements, and bug fixes for RingCentral Video Desktop & Web.
VERSION 20.4.20
Release Date: 11/13/2020
What's New
  • Allow expanding desktop presenter view
    • After joining a meeting from the RingCentral desktop app, presenters can expand the minimal floating RCV window when they are screen sharing.
  • Better organization of audio and video settings
    • Separated Audio and Video settings for RCV into separate tabs.
  • Provide instructions to use a virtual camera
    • Provide a link in Video settings to a Knowledge Base article with instructions for how to use a 3rd party virtual camera.
  • Inform the host how to invite participants
    • If the host is the only person in the meeting, show an info banner on how to invite someone.
VERSION 20.4.15
Release Date: 11/5/2020
What's New
  • Page through video film strip layout
    • Navigate forward and backward in the top film strip video layout to view videos for all participants.
  • Show self video in gallery
    • By default you will now see your own video in the video gallery layout. You can also revert to popping your self video out of the gallery into a small floating window.
  • Show / hide video gallery with one click 
    • When viewing screen sharing with video gallery on the right side, you can click an arrow on the slider to open or close the gallery.
  • Recording share dialog improvements
    • The share recording dialog was updated to make it more intuitive and quicker to share the recording with all meeting participants or other co-workers.
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