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Meetings - Permissions List | RingCentral

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List of Permissions for RingCentral Meetings

Roles give admins the ability to control what users can do within the system. A role is a collection of permissions which could be based on a job function.

By default, the Super Admin has the only access to modify settings for RingCentral Meetings. However, the Super Admin may create a custom role to grant permissions to selected users for modifying settings for RingCentral Meetings.

To access RingCentral Meetings permissions go to 
Admin Portal
, then select a role. Permissions are listed inside the 

meetings permission

Host and Schedule Meetings

Grants ability for user to login to the RingCentral Meetings apps and access user level Meetings Settings

Meetings Admin Settings

Grants access to admin level Meeting Settings that control Meetings Setting defaults for the company.

Grants access to path:
Admin Portal > Meetings > Meetings Settings 

Meetings Dashboards

Grants access to Meetings Dashboard available in Analytics Portal.

Grants access to path:
Admin Portal > Analytics > Meetings Dashboard

Meetings Reports

Grants access to Meetings Reports.

Grants access to path:
Admin Portal > Meetings > Meetings Reports

Rooms Admin Settings

Grants access to sign in and set up Rooms (not applicable if your account has not purchased any Rooms licenses).

Grants access to path:
Admin Portal > Meetings > RingCentral Rooms

Webinar Settings

Grants access to Webinar settings (not applicable if your account has not purchased any Webinar licenses).

Grants access to path:
 Admin Portal > Meetings > Webinar Settings 

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