1. Click the Set Up button under Upload identity provider metadata file and certificate.
2. In the Upload IDP metadata section, click the dropdown menu under Upload metadata by and select URL.
3. Enter your organization’s metadata URL in the box provided, then click Import.
4. Under Attribute Mapping, click the dropdown menu under Map Email Attribute to and select Custom.
5. Type ‘email’ in the box provided, then click Save.
6. In the Set up SSO by yourself section, click the Download button.
7. Open the sp-metadata file you just downloaded in a text editor and note the entityID and Location values. You will need to enter this information in Okta. We’ll provide the steps in the section below.
8. In the Enable SSO section, check the box next to Enable SSO Service.
9. Under Manage Your Login, click the dropdown menu and select Allow users to log in with SSO or RingCentral credential.
10. Under Manage RingCentral password, you can enable or disable the use of the RingCentral ID and password for logging in, then click Save at bottom right.