Local Connect buckets are billed by a recurring and a corresponding overage license that indicates the price per Caller ID bucket. A Caller ID bucket represents a selection of phone numbers with different area codes. A Caller ID bucket contains about 169 numbers, taking phone numbers from three to four area codes per state.
The agent attaches a Caller ID from the bucket to the outgoing call so that the lead sees the Caller ID number from the bucket, not the actual phone number from which the agent or system is dialing. If the customer wants to display a different Caller ID to a lead than the single static Caller ID set up at the campaign level. For example, if the call center is in the Philippines and agents are calling leads in Utah, they might find it helpful to display a local Utah-based phone number for the lead’s Caller ID.
Local connect core licenses and Local connect overage licenses work similar to the core seat and on-demand seats licenses. The customer commits to a certain number of local connect licenses, and if they exceed this number they have to pay for the overage.
The following describes overages for local connect buckets: