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Scheduling a RingCentral webinar

Users with RingCentral Webinar licenses can schedule, host, and run webinars. Learn more about the different roles in a webinar.

What's new here
: Save time by adding AI-powered descriptions to your Webinars.

Create a webinar

  1. Click
    in the navigation bar.
  2. If you don’t have any scheduled webinars, click
    Create Webinar
    on the
    page (a).

    Click Create webinar

    • If you have upcoming webinars listed, click
      Create Webinar
      at the top right (b).

    Click Create webinar

  3. Choose
    General webinar, Marketing webinar
    , or copy an existing webinar.
    • General webinar with no registration
      : Designed for internal company events with no registration required. Run general webinars to host town halls, executive briefings, all-hands meetings, product demos, or sales training.
    • Marketing webinar with registration
      : Typically used for external events with registration required. Run marketing webinars to generate leads and capture registrants' contact details for your marketing needs. You can customize your registration page and automated emails with your company logo and brand colors.

      Choose webinar type

  4. Enter webinar details:
    • Enter the name of your webinar.
    • Enter the details for your webinar description, or click
      Write for me
      to generate an AI-based description based on the webinar’s name. You can then click
      Try again
      , or choose the tone of the description:
      , or
      Keep it light
    • Set the webinar’s date, start time, duration, and time zone. By default, the webinar is scheduled with the current date, and is set to begin within the next 15 minutes.
  5. Advanced options are set to your company’s defaults, but you can click the dropdown to make changes.
    • Add webinar prep session
      : Invite cohosts and panelists to a webinar prep session and choose its duration from the dropdown.
    • Automatically record this webinar
      : Click the toggle to record the webinar. You can view and manage the recording on your RingCentral account.
    • Allow Q&A
      : Click the toggle to allow attendees to ask questions during the webinar. Host and panelists can manage the questions.
    • Webinar language
      : Select your preferred language for the event.

      Note: Language customizations options differ between General and Marketing webinar.

  6. Click

Webinar dashboard

Once you’ve scheduled a webinar, you’ll be redirected to the dashboard. Here, you can edit the webinar’s date and start time, invite cohosts, panelists, and attendees, manage settings, and customize your registration details.

Event details

Event details
, you can edit your
Webinar info
and invite
Hosts & panelists
, and

  • : Edit your webinar’s date, start time, duration, and time zone. You can also change the prep session options, turn on Q&A, automatically record the webinar, and update the language.
  • : Invite cohosts and panelists. You have the option to import your contacts from a CSV file.
  • : Invite attendees using Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, or download the ICS file. Attendee invitations are only available for general webinars without registration.

View of Event Details


, you can view and manage registration data, automated emails, and registration page branding. These cards are only viewable for marketing webinars with registration.

  • Manage registration
    : Download registration data, copy the registration link, or manage registration settings.
  • Manage emails
    : Click to view and edit automated emails such as registration confirmations, webinar updates, reminders, and follow-ups.
  • Configure branding
    : Click to configure the branding colors, images, and content of your webinar’s registration page and automated emails.

View of Registrations


, you can manage your
Webinar settings
settings, and create

  • Webinar settings
    : Manage your webinar’s security, in-session, live stream, and post-webinar settings.
  • Recording
    : Turn the automatic recording feature on or off.
  • Q&A
    : Allow Q&A, turn on moderated Q&A, and turn on or off the option to allow anonymous questions from attendees.
  • Polls
    : Create and manage the pre-configured polls you’ll use in the webinar.
  • Integration Apps
    : Manage your third-party integrations to convert webinar registrations to leads. This feature is only available for marketing webinars with registration.

View of Webinar settings

Webinar Tips

Webinar tips
at the top right of your webinar dashboard to show or hide reminders about required setup steps and recommended actions. Different tips will show depending on whether you've scheduled a General or Marketing webinar.

Click Webinar tips at the top right of your dashboard

In this article

Create a webinar
Webinar dashboard
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