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Engage Voice | Adding and configuring admin users

Admin users can be reached by navigating to Users > Administrators via the left-hand navigation bar. In the Administrators section, you’ll notice a different layout from the rest of the platform, so before we review how you can create and manage your admin users, let’s first review how to navigate the Administrators section.
The Administrators section is made up of two display panels. The left-hand panel contains a list of ‘parent’ admin users and their ‘child’ users. At the top of the left-hand panel, you’ll find a search bar, which you can use to search for your user(s). 
Whenever you select an existing user (or create a new one), a page of that user’s configuration settings will appear in the right-hand panel. At the top of the page, you’ll find two tabs: Basic Info and User Roles. Under Basic Info, you can set up the admin user’s information. Click on the User Roles tab to view and assign roles to that user.
At bottom right you’ll find the Cancel and Save buttons. At bottom left is the Delete button.
Now that you understand how to navigate the Administrators section, let’s go over how to create a new admin user.

Creating a new user

You can add and configure admin users and structure them within the hierarchy of other admin users however you like. 
To add a new user, follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to Users > Administrators
2. Click the Add new User plus sign icon at upper left (below the search bar in the left-hand panel)
3. Fill out the required fields under the Basic Info tab (we’ll go over them in detail below)
4. Save your changes by clicking the Save button at bottom right
5. Click the User Roles tab at the top of the page
6. Click the Assign Role button at upper right to open the Assign Role modal window
7. Select the account you’d like to give the user access to via the dropdown menu in the Accounts field
8. Select the Role you’d like to assign to this user via the Available Roles field
9. Click Ok to exit the modal window
10. Click Save at bottom right to save all your changes

Creating a user within a hierarchy

If you want to create a child or sibling user, it’s a slightly different process. Follow these steps:
1. Find the user you’d like to create a sibling or child for from the left-hand panel
2. Click the plus sign icon to the right of their name
3. Fill out the required fields under the Basic Info tab (we’ll go over them in detail below)
4. Save your changes by clicking the Save button at bottom right
5. Click the User Roles tab at the top of the page
6. Click the Assign Role button at upper right to open the Assign Role modal window
7. In the modal window that appears, select the account you’d like to give the user access to via the dropdown menu in the Accounts field
8. Then select the Role you’d like to assign to this user via the Available Roles field
9. Click Ok to exit the modal window
10. Click Save at bottom right to save all your changes

Configuring admin user settings

  • First Name: Enter the user’s first name (this is a required field)
  • Last Name: Enter the user’s last name (this is a required field)
  • Email: Enter the user’s email address (Note: New users who have been granted login access will automatically receive an email from the system. The email will come from, and the subject line will read ‘Password Reset.’ The body will contain text along the lines of ‘Click here to reset your password,’ followed by a link, which will remain active for 24 hours. Without a valid email, the user will be unable to generate an initial password to log into the system) (this is a required field)
  • Phone: Enter the user’s phone number here, if desired
  • Allow Logon: Check this box if you’d like to allow this user to log in to the system. See the section on Blocking an admin user from logging in
  • Simulate Users: Check this box if you’d like to allow the user to be able to simulate any user they’ve created (and their children)
  • Administer Users: Check this box to allow this user to view, edit, and delete users (children) that they’ve created. This option also allows the user to view and remove their children’s Roles access
  • Administer User Roles: Check this box to allow the user to create, edit, and delete Roles for their children, siblings (if permitted), and their children’s children
  • Access User’s Siblings: Check this box to allow the user to view any user at their same level in the user hierarchy (that is, their siblings), as well as any children their siblings have created. Please note that the Administer Users setting must be checked in order to enable this setting
  • Access Audit Log: Check this box to allow the user to access the audit log for any accounts they have access to (including all products within the account)
  • Simulate User: Click this button if you wish to simulate this user. A modal window will immediately pop up reminding you that any changes made while simulating will be tracked as changed by the user being simulated
  • Reset Password: This option allows you to reset the admin user’s password. See the section on Resetting an admin user’s password below

Deleting an admin user

You can only delete an admin user if you are an administrator at the same level of hierarchy (or higher) than the user you wish to delete, and you have been granted the permission to administer other admin users (see above). You must also have access to the same accounts as the user in order to delete them. 
Please note: Don’t delete a user if you need to see reporting information that only they have access to. When a user is deleted, all associated reporting data is deleted as well. Instead, block them from logging in (see below) so you can access the information you need.
To delete an admin user, follow the steps below.
1. Find the user you’d like to delete via the left-hand panel
2. Click anywhere on their name to open the right-hand configuration panel
3. Click Delete at bottom left to delete the user’s entire record
4. Confirm your wish to delete the user when the modal window appears
Please also note that when you attempt to delete an admin user who has one or more ‘child’ users, you’ll see a modal window appear asking you what you want to do with that admin user’s child users. Any changes you make at this point will affect both the users, their ‘children,’ and any Role assigned to them. The Cascade Delete? setting allows you to choose one of the two following options:
  • No, Select New Parent: Select this option to assign the admin’s child users (and their Roles) to a new ‘parent’
  • Yes, Delete Children Users: Select this option to delete all the admin’s child users (and their Roles) when the admin user is deleted
View of the Delete User modal window
If you choose the first option, you’ll see a field called New parent appear. Use this field to choose a new admin user to become the new parent of these ‘orphaned’ child users. 
If you choose the second option, you’ll see a warning asking if you’re sure you want to remove the user. The warning will notify you of all the child users who will also be deleted. 
Make your choice, then click Ok to exit the modal window and implement your changes. 

Resetting an admin user’s password

Resetting an admin user’s password is a quick and easy process. Simply click the Reset Password button located at the lower right in the User configuration section of the Basic Info tab.
That’s it! The user will receive an email with instructions and a link to reset their password.

Blocking an admin user from logging in

There may be times when you wish to revoke access from an admin user, including barring them from logging in to the platform. Follow the steps below to block an admin user from logging in.
1. Select the user you’d like to block from logging in 
2. Uncheck the Allow Logon checkbox 
3. Save your changes by clicking the Save button at bottom right
And that’s it! That user will no longer be able to log into the system until you allow them access again. 
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