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Agent scripting elements: Navigation Buttons

The Navigation Buttons element inserts buttons into your script that guide the agent either back to the previous tool or forward to the next tool.
This article discusses additional settings and features that are specific to the Navigation Buttons element alone. Check out Editing Page elements: the basics for more information on basic element settings, and Adjusting elements on a script page for element adjustment.


Use the following settings, located in the Navigation Buttons Configuration tab, to name your tools:
  • Previous Label: Provide a name for the Previous Tool button
  • Next Label: Provide a name for the Next Tool button


Use the following settings in the Navigation Buttons Styles tab to adjust your button colors:
  • Button Class: This setting allows you to choose a notification color or type for your button. Please note that when choosing a class that changes the button color, this color will override any color changes made via the Color setting or the Element CSS setting. Options consist of the following:
    • Default: This option changes the button color to white
    • Primary: This option changes the button color to blue (the primary platform color)
    • Success: This option changes the button color to green
    • Info: This option changes the button color to bright blue
    • Warning: This option changes the button color to orange
    • Danger: This option changes the button color to red
    • Link: This option changes the button into a link
  • Button Size: Choose a size for your button. Options include Default, Large, Small, or Extra-Small 
Set up Navigation Buttons element
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