Engage Voice | Assigning an agent to an inbound queue

Once you’ve created an agent user, you can start assigning your agent to queues and campaigns, depending on the types of calls you’d like your agent to take or make. 
If you’d like your agent to be able to take inbound calls, you’ll need to assign that agent user to an inbound queue. Visit Creating an inbound queue to learn more. 

Helpful hint!

If you’d like your agents to take inbound calls, in addition to assigning your agent to an inbound queue, you must also enable Allow Inbound Calls via the agent Security page in the agent configuration panel.
You’ll find multiple ways to assign agents to an inbound queue throughout the platform. You can do so via our open API, via the Agent Access page at the queue level, or via the Inbound Access page at the agent user level. Let’s review these last two methods below.

Assigning agents via Inbound Access

If you have not already assigned your agent to a queue, you’ll find a blank page when you navigate to the Inbound Access page. However, if you click the Show All Queues button beside the search bar, a table will appear below the Queue Assignments section with a list of all available queues created in your account.
To assign your agent to a queue, follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to Users > Agents via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Select an agent from the Agents groups page
3. Click the Inbound Access tab via the agent configuration panel
4. Select the Show All Queues button beside the search bar to reveal all available queues
5. In the Queue Assignments table, locate the queue you’d like to assign your agent to and check the box at far left
6. Save your changes via the Save button at bottom right
Managing agent assignments via Inbound Access
Once you’ve assigned an agent to a queue via Inbound Access, you’ll be able to view that queue by clicking the Show Assigned Queues button beside the search bar. All queues that your agent is assigned to will appear in a table beneath the search bar, organized by the queue group they were created under. 
The table is arranged by columns containing information about each queue such as the queue ID and the name and description given to each queue. At the far right of each row, you’ll find the Destination Override pencil and paper icon. This setting allows you to override the destination of your agent for that queue. See Overriding the destination of an agent below for more info on how you can use this setting.
But for now, let’s review how to assign an agent to an inbound queue via Agent Access.

Assigning an agent via Agent Access

In the Agent Access configuration page, you’ll find a table of all available agents assigned to your queue. This list is separated by agent groups, and you can expand or collapse each group to view all agents in that group. At the top of the page, you’ll find a search bar that you can use to find the agent you wish to assign to your queue. 
You can also use the Show All Agents button beside the search bar to view all agents added to that account. Alternatively, if you only want to view the agents assigned to that queue, select the Show Assigned Agents button. 
To assign an agent to a queue, follow the steps below.
1. Select Routing > Queues via the left nav bar
2. Select the queue to which you’d like to assign your agent
3. Select the Agent Access page from the queue’s configuration panel
4. Select the Show All Agents button beside the search bar to show all agents added to the account
5. Use the search bar and/or scroll through the list of available agents to find the agent you wish to assign to your queue
6. Check the box beside the agent ID to select the agent. Alternatively, if you wish to assign all agents under an agent group, you can check the box to the left of the agent group name
7. Save your agent assignments via the Save button at bottom right
Managing agent assignment via Agent Access
Once you’ve assigned an agent to a queue via Agent Access, you’ll be able to view that agent by clicking the Show Assigned Agents button beside the search bar. All agents assigned to the queue will appear in a table beneath the search bar, organized by the agent group they were created under. 
You’ll find a list of all agents assigned to that queue in the table below. They’ll be arranged in an alphabetized list of agent groups, in ascending order, by last name. This table of agent groups and agents will typically display the agent’s ID number, their first and last name, username, and their destination override (if applicable). 
To learn more about agent destination overrides, see below.

Overriding the destination of an agent

There may be times when you want to override the destination of an agent for a specific queue. This can be particularly helpful in situations where your agents can work from home, their laptop, or virtually anywhere with a phone and internet connected. 
You can override the destination of the agent either via Agent Access at the inbound queue level or Inbound Access at the agent account level. To override the destination of an agent, follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to Routing > Queues or Users > Agents via the left nav bar
2. Select a queue or agent account
3. Navigate to Agent Access or Inbound Access in the configuration panel
4. In either the Assign Access to Queue or Queue Assignments table, select the Destination Override pencil and paper icon at far right of the queue or agent
5. In the Edit Default Destination Override modal window, enter the override number of the agent (format: ###.###.####)
6. Click Ok to close the modal window
Don’t forget to save your changes!

Managing agent rank in Inbound Access and Agent Access

As discussed in Intro to agent configuration, you can also configure agent rank in Inbound Access and Agent Access under the rank column. Similar to the Agent Rank setting in the General section of Agent configuration, this setting is scaled from low to high, meaning, by setting a higher rank number you will set a higher priority for that agent to receive more calls.
Both Inbound Access and Agent Access have the same functionality, in that an agent that is highly ranked means they get the calls first from that particular queue. The ranking configured in both pages is the same, so the configuration for agent rank in Inbound Access will be reflected in Agent Access, and vice versa. 
By setting an agent’s rank for a particular queue, they will be the first to get a call from that queue.
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