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Engage Voice | Assigning requeue shortcut groups

Now let’s talk about how to assign requeue shortcut groups. Once you’ve added your requeue shortcut group, you can now assign it to a digital queue. When you assign a requeue shortcut group to a digital queue, the configuration will apply to all requeue shortcuts under the same requeue shortcut group. 
Once your admin configures the requeue shortcut group and assigns them to a digital queue, agents can use these shortcuts to manually transfer their message to another queue or another agent with a specific skill. Please note that you can assign one or more requeue shortcut groups to a digital queue.

Assigning requeue shortcuts groups to a digital queue

Follow these steps to assign requeue shortcut groups to a digital queue:
1. Navigate to Routing > Digital queues and skills via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Click on the digital queue you wish to assign a requeue shortcut group to 
3. Select Requeue Shortcuts from the configuration panel to open the Requeue Shortcut Groups page
4. Select Shortcut in the Requeue type dropdown menu. Please note that this feature will only work if the requeue type is set to Shortcut. If you select Advanced, the agent can still requeue, but they will only see the queues that they are assigned to as the options for requeue, not the requeue shortcuts groups configured by an admin
5. Click the checkbox icon to the left of the requeue shortcut group name to assign it to a digital queue. You can select one or more requeue shortcut group(s)
6. Click the Save button at the bottom right to save your changes
You will see the requeue shortcut groups you’ve created appear in a table in the Requeue Shortcut Groups page. The table contains information about each requeue shortcut group that tells you if it is assigned (checkbox icon), the group ID (unique group ID for each requeue shortcut group), and requeue shortcut group name.
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