Engage Voice | Configuring campaign passes

You can use different settings in the system to get as granular as you like with your options for how many times — and how often — you contact your leads. Campaign pass and pass action settings are one way to manage this. 

Pass settings allow you to control the measurable aspects of your outbound call passes, from setting the number of max pass limits to deciding which system dispositions should count as a pass for a lead. Pass actions, on the other hand, allow you to decide which actions the system should take on a lead once a certain number of passes have been reached.

Configuring campaign passes

You can access all your settings for creating campaign passes and pass actions by clicking the Pass Actions tab via the configuration panel at the campaign level. The first section on this page, labeled Campaign Passes, contains all your configuration options for campaign passes.
Use this section to configure settings such as the maximum number of passes that should be made on a lead, the maximum number of times a lead should be dialed, and the types of system dispositions that should count as a pass. 
These settings will serve as the default settings for all passes on this campaign — unless you choose to change individual pass number settings, which we’ll discuss in the next section on pass actions.
The first few settings (and the last) you’ll find in this section consist of the following general pass configuration options:
  • Default Pass Delay (min): Choose the minimum number of minutes the system should wait before resending a call when no live person answers on the previous attempt
  • Max Dial Limit: Use this setting to place leads into a lead state of MAX_DIAL_LIMIT once the indicated number of dials has been reached (you can enter the maximum number of dials in the field provided). Please note that every dial made on a lead is counted towards the indicated limit, and once a lead has been placed in this state, they will be ineligible for further dialing. Please also note that the number of dials on a lead cannot be reset (the default is No Limit)
  • Max Lead Passes: Choose the maximum number of passes (total) that can be applied to leads in this campaign (the default is 3)
  • Max Daily Passes: Choose the maximum number of passes in a day that can be applied to leads in this campaign (the default is No Limit)
The next set of checkboxes (as well as the checkboxes beneath the Max Daily Passes field that appear once a number is provided in the field) deals with system disposition passes. You can check the box next to any disposition that you would like to count as a pass (or maximum daily pass) on a lead. Dispositions include Abandon, Answer, Busy, Congestion, Inbound Callback, Intercept, Machine, No Answer, and Other.

Configuring campaign pass actions

Now let’s scroll down to the Campaign Pass Actions section, where you’ll configure your pass actions. Pass actions can be used to flag a lead or perform certain actions on a lead after a specific number of passes have been reached.

Creating a pass action

To create a pass action, follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to Dialing > Campaigns via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Select a campaign
3. Select the Pass Actions tab from your campaign’s configuration panel
4. Scroll down to the Campaign Pass Actions section
5. Click the Add Pass Action button at far right to open the Pass Actions modal window
6. Enter a number in the Pass # field
7. Alternatively, if you would like to apply a range of passes to the pass action, click Set end range. This will replace the Pass # setting with a Start on Pass and Stop on Pass setting
8. Provide pass numbers for the Start on Pass and Stop on Pass settings
9. If you do not wish to apply a pass action on a range of passes, click the blue Remove end range text to return to the Pass # setting
10. Configure the remaining settings located beneath the Pre-Call Action and Pass Disposition sections (we’ll go over each of these settings below)
11. When you’ve finished configuring your pass action, click the Ok button to exit the modal window
12. Save your changes via the Save button at bottom right

Managing pass actions

Once you begin creating pass actions, they’ll appear in a table below the Campaign Pass Actions section. The table will display pass actions in separate rows containing information on some of the settings you’ve configured for each pass. Please note that we’ll review all your pass action settings (including those you’ll see in the table) in the following sections. 
If you wish to edit a pass action, click the Edit pencil and paper icon at far right in its row. To delete it, simply click the Delete x icon. And of course, you can create a new pass action by clicking the Add Pass Action button at top right. 

Applying pass actions to a single pass

The first setting you’ll see in the Pass Actions modal window is a field labeled Pass #. Use the field provided to choose the pass number you wish the following settings and actions to apply to. If you choose pass 2, for example, then all the settings you configure in the following steps will apply to the second pass on a lead, and so on.

Extending actions across multiple passes

The Set end range text beneath the Pass # field allows you to extend the number of passes the following actions will apply to; instead of just one pass, you can apply actions across a range of passes. Click the blue text to open additional configuration settings. 
You’ll see two fields appear to replace the Pass # setting: one labeled Start on Pass and the other labeled Stop on Pass. Use the first field, Start on Pass, to indicate the first pass number you wish the following actions to begin on. Use the second field, Stop on Pass, to indicate the last pass number the actions should end on. 
So if you choose pass 2 to start and pass 4 to stop, this tells the system to apply the actions you choose to passes 2, 3, and 4 for each lead.
If you change your mind and decide you don’t want to extend the actions across a range of passes — that is, if you only want the actions to apply to one pass — then click the blue Remove end range text to close the additional configuration settings.

Disabling voicemail detection on lead passes

The next setting in the Pass Actions modal window, located in the Pre-Call Action section, is labeled Enable Voicemail Detection on Pass. Please note that this setting will only appear if you have first enabled the Voicemail Detect Enabled setting via the campaign’s configuration settings.

This setting is always enabled by default. If you wish to disable voicemail detection for a pass or a specific number of passes, you can uncheck the Enable Voicemail Detection on Pass box. This will inform the system that voicemail detection should not be used on the pass numbers indicated in this pass action. We call this a ‘pre-call action’ because the system must take action on this setting before the actual indicated pass begins.
For example, if you chose a range of passes in the previous setting — let’s say pass 2 through pass 4 — and you then unchecked this setting, the system would disable voicemail detection on passes 2 through 4. Please note that if you keep this setting checked, it will continue to use voicemail detection for all passes. 

Configuring disposition actions on specific passes

Now, the next section in the modal window, labeled Pass Disposition, contains a few more settings that allow you to get more granular with your configuration actions for this pass (or range of passes). 

You’ll notice that these settings are the same as some of the settings you’ll find in your campaign’s Dispositions option.

Helpful hint!

The settings you encounter in this Pass Disposition modal window will override any equivalent settings that you configure via your standard Dispositions settings.
Let’s go over each setting below.
  • Requeue: Use the dropdown menu to select whether you want to requeue the call upon disposition when it reaches this pass number (or range). Choose from the following options:
    • Yes - Standard: Select this option to make the lead available for dialing any time after the delay time has been reached (this will set the lead’s status to READY)
    • Yes - Priority: Select this option to make the lead available for dialing exactly when the delay time elapses (we’ll configure that next), or at the time and day set by the dispositioning agent (this will set the lead’s status to CALLBACK)
    • No: Select this option to ensure the call does not requeue upon disposition once it reaches the indicated pass number (this will set the lead’s status to COMPLETE)
    • Use Campaign Defaults: Select this option to use the campaign’s default requeue settings once the pass number indicated is reached. Remember, the default requeue settings can be configured via the Dispositions page in your campaign’s configuration panel
Now, if you chose either of the Yes options from the dropdown list above, you’ll have the option to further configure those settings via the next field that appears.
  • Delay: Use this option to indicate how long (in minutes) the system should wait before making this lead available for dialing again
The next setting in the Pass Actions modal window is labeled Campaign Transition. You can use this setting to transition leads to another campaign once they reach the number of passes indicated in this pass action. 
You can either choose the None option from the dropdown list if you do not wish to transition leads to another campaign, or you can select a campaign from the dropdown list if you do wish to transition leads to another campaign.
If you selected a campaign to transition leads to via the previous setting, you’ll see a new field appear labeled Create Copy. Check this box if you wish to create a copy of a lead (instead of moving the lead entirely into the new campaign) once the pass number indicated in this pass action is met.

Helpful hint!

When you create a copy of a lead, the system keeps the original lead — and its identification number (Lead Id) — in the original (source) campaign. Copying a lead will generate a brand-new lead, with a brand-new unique identification number. The system will place this new lead into the new campaign while the original lead remains in its original campaign.

Flagging leads upon specific passes

The last two settings in the Pass Actions modal window allow you to flag leads once a lead has reached the pass count indicated in this pass action. The first flag, Finished, does not trigger any action and simply acts as a system marker. The second flag, Merge Lead to Source, will trigger an actual action once satisfying conditions are met. Let’s discuss both settings below.
  • Finished: This setting allows you to set a flag on a lead for reporting purposes only once the pass number indicated above has been reached. This setting does not change a lead’s state or affect the lead or its pass counts or pass actions in any other way
  • Merge Lead to Source: Use this setting to transition a moved or copied lead back to the campaign from which it originally came
Remember, the Merge Lead to Source setting tells the system, ‘Merge this lead back to the original source after a predetermined action.’ The ‘predetermined action’ can be either of the following: 
  • The agent in the new campaign dispositions the copied lead with any disposition that contains a checked Merge Lead to Source option
  • A pass disposition (created in the new campaign) that contains a checked Merge Lead to Source option is applied to the lead 
Once either of those actions occurs, the copied lead will automatically move back to the original campaign and merge with the original lead, bringing all of its history with it. So now that lead will retain both the history connected to the original campaign AND the history connected to the new campaign — combined.
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