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Engage Voice | All about requeue shortcuts 

Requeueing represents the act of placing an inbound or outbound call into an inbound queue. In both cases, requeue shortcuts represent settings you can create within the system that will allow agents to manually send their current call to a specific inbound queue, or to another agent with a special skill. 
You can think of requeue shortcuts as custom call transfer shortcuts (to an inbound queue). Please note that the requeue shortcuts settings allow you to give agents the ability to transfer calls to queues they do not have access to.
To configure requeue shortcuts, you can navigate to the campaign of your choice and select Requeue Shortcuts via the campaign’s configuration panel.

The alternative to requeue shortcuts

If you don’t wish to provide your agents with a curated list of custom requeue shortcuts, the alternative is to stick with the system’s default action, which is to provide agents with a list of all of the queues they have access to (via the Agent Access setting in any inbound queue’s configuration panel). We’ll discuss how to revert back to the system’s default settings in All about requeue shortcuts.

Requeue shortcut uses

Say, for example, your outbound agents are trained to prequalify leads for sales — but these agents aren’t salespeople and thus cannot complete the actual sale transaction on the spot. You’re probably going to want your agents to send those prequalified leads to an available salesperson to complete the sale — and preferably immediately. 
This is where a requeue shortcut comes in handy. You can use the Requeue Shortcuts option (via the inbound queue or outbound campaign configuration panel) in the admin interface to configure a shortcut that agents can select to direct prequalified leads to your sales department’s inbound queue. All you have to do is provide the system with a queue and some basic information to create the shortcut. 
Another situation could involve requeuing a call to an inbound agent with a specific skill. Say a customer calls into your customer feedback queue — but the customer only speaks Spanish, and the agent who answered the call only speaks English. In this case, you could create a shortcut that allows the inbound agent to requeue the call to an inbound Spanish-speaking agent. 
Here’s how the setting looks on the admin side:
View of the Requeue Shortcut Configuration modal window

Creating a requeue shortcut

Now that you know what a requeue shortcut is and how to use it, let’s talk about how to actually create one via the admin interface. To create a requeue shortcut, take the following steps:
1. Navigate to Dialing > Campaigns or Routing > Queues via the left-hand navigation bar
2. Select a queue or campaign 
3. Select the Requeue Shortcuts tab in your queue or campaign’s configuration panel
4. Select the Shortcut option from the Agent Requeue Type dropdown menu
5. Click the Add Shortcut button that appears at far right to open a Requeue Shortcut Configuration modal window
6. Choose a Rank for your shortcut
7. Choose a Name for your shortcut
8. Use the Queue dropdown menu to select the inbound queue you would like this shortcut to requeue to
9. Optionally, select an agent skill from the Skill dropdown menu
10. Click Ok to save your changes and exit the modal window
Let’s review the settings you’ll encounter in the Requeue Shortcut Configuration modal window.
  • Rank: Choose the order in which you would like the shortcut to appear in the agent’s dropdown menu. The system will assign a default rank that is ten numbers more than the previous shortcut entry. Each shortcut will appear in order from the highest numbered rank (represented by a smaller number) to the lowest (represented by a larger number)
  • Name: Choose a name for your requeue shortcut. Remember — this name will be visible to agents (this is a required field)
  • Queue: Select the inbound queue you would like this shortcut to requeue to (this is a required field)
  • Skill: If you would like to select an agent skill (within the queue specified above) to requeue to, you can select one from the dropdown menu here (if you have any skills configured on that queue) (this field is optional). Please note that if you specify a skill and no (available) agents have been assigned that skill when the call is requeued, those calls will still show up in the queue but they will not dequeue, regardless of whether or not there are available agents. The calls will only dequeue when an agent with the specified skill becomes available

Reverting to the system’s default requeue settings

If you ever wish to default back to the system’s standard requeue shortcuts configuration (in which all of an agent’s available queues are visible in their Requeue shortcuts dropdown list), you can take the steps below.
1. Navigate to Requeue Shortcuts in your queue or campaign’s configuration panel
2. Select the Advanced option from the Agent Requeue Type dropdown menu
3. Save your changes via the Save button at bottom right
Please note that if you have already configured one or more requeue shortcuts, the system may remind you that those custom requeue shortcuts will only work when you select the Shortcut option from the dropdown menu. If you choose to go ahead with your decision to revert back to the system’s default requeue shortcut settings, you’ll find that the system will still retain your custom settings — they simply won’t be available to agents until you take an action to re-enable them.

Managing requeue shortcuts

When you create a requeue shortcut, it will immediately appear in a table in the Requeue Shortcut Configuration section. The table contains information about each shortcut, like its name, rank, and the name of the inbound queue (and skill, when applicable) that the shortcut will lead to. 
You’ll have the option to edit each shortcut by clicking the pencil and paper Edit icon to the right of the shortcut, and you can click the trash icon to remove the shortcut from the system altogether.

Requeue shortcuts for agents

Once enabled, these shortcuts will appear in the agent interface while the agent is on a call. The agent will see an icon underneath their dialpad options labeled Requeue. They can click that icon to open a small Requeue Call modal window that contains a dropdown menu; the menu will populate with any shortcuts you have created and attached to the current inbound queue. 

The agent will also have the option to remain on the call during the transfer process (via the STAY ON CALL checkbox), or they can opt to allow the customer to continue on to the next leg of the call on their own. Here’s how that will look on the agent side:
View of the Requeue Shortcuts in the agent interface
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