Engage Voice | Intro to voicemail detection

Voicemail detection is an outbound dialing feature that allows outbound calls to detect answering machines. When enabled, calls will not connect to an agent if a machine is detected. By default, a system generated profile will be assigned when voicemail detection is enabled. However, you can create a custom profile with your own settings.

Components of Voicemail detection

Once you’ve created a campaign and configured your basic campaign settings, navigate to the General tab located on your campaign’s configuration panel. You can find the Voicemail Detection Enabled checkbox located under the Dialer Settings section.
When you select the checkbox, the Voicemail Detection Profile dropdown menu will appear to the right. You can then choose which voicemail detection profile you want for your campaign. By default, the Normal profile will be selected, but if you already created a voicemail detection profile and set it as default, that profile will be selected. 
Custom voicemail detection profiles can be configured by navigating to Dialing > Advanced settings > Voicemail detection via the left-hand navigation bar. To learn more about configuring voicemail detection profiles, head on to Configuring voicemail detection

When you enter the Voicemail detection page, the system default profile as well as custom profiles are listed in the Name column. In the Status column, you’ll see which profile is set as default. In the Number of campaigns column, you’ll see the number of campaigns a particular profile is associated with.
View of Voicemail detection page
When creating or editing a profile, you’ll be directed to the Profile page. You can set a new name for your profile and customize its settings. 
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