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Engage Voice | Creating a campaign

Campaigns are a way to organize and manage the different types of outbound calls leaving your contact center. You can configure campaigns by creating custom agent dispositions, uploading lead lists, setting schedules for dialing, activating compliance-supporting tools, and more. 
Once you’ve created and configured your dial group, you can begin creating campaigns within that group to segment and configure your outgoing calls. Remember that all the campaigns within any given dial group will use the dialing mode you selected in your dial group configuration settings.

Creating a campaign

To create a new campaign, take the following steps:
1. Navigate to Dialing > Campaigns
2. Hover your mouse over the dial group you wish to add a campaign to and select the New campaign plus icon that appears at far right to navigate to the campaign’s configuration settings
3. Use the General configuration page to choose a Name for your campaign (required)
4. Provide a Start Date and End Date for your campaign (required)
5. Use the Dialer Settings section to enter a Caller ID for your campaign (required)
6. Configure any other desired settings in the General configuration page for the campaign
7. Click the Save button at bottom right to save your changes
That’s it! Now that you have a new campaign, you can start configuring it.

Campaign configuration options

When you’re configuring your campaign, you’ll have access to a variety of configuration options, which can be found in the campaign configuration panel. The list below contains all configuration panel options available for your campaign.
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