Engage Voice | Mapping a lead list: the basics

As we discussed in the Lists, loading, and logs overview article, mapping is simply a way to tell the system where in your lead list to find the data it’s looking for, whether that’s a lead’s phone number for dialing purposes or inserting a lead’s name into a script for the agent to see upon call connection.     
The system contains a number of ‘destinations,’ which are the system’s version of standard data point names that you will use to map your lead list. When you map your lead data upon list load, you’re basically just pointing to a column of information (a ‘source’) on your lead list, and then choosing a term — that is, a ‘destination’ (which is provided by the system) — that you wish to link to that information. 
For example, if you select First Name from the Destinations list, you’ll probably want to select the column in your lead list that contains each lead’s first name. The system can then use that First Name destination (which is now mapped to the data in the First Name column of your lead list) to consistently provide a lead’s first name anywhere you wish to reference it throughout the system. 
You can map your lead information during the list loading process. The upload list modal window that appears will display a few tabs for configuration — you’ll want to navigate to the Preview tab for lead mapping options. Here, you’ll find a preview of your uploaded list alongside a list of the system’s standard destinations (this list can also contain custom and auxiliary destinations, if you configure these separately). 
The system provides you with a few ways to configure additional destinations for mapping extra data. You can utilize auxiliary fields, create custom lead data fields, and add new fields using Extra Data Mappings.
For now, let’s discuss basic lead list mapping.

Basic lead list mapping

To begin mapping your basic lead data to the system’s destinations, take the following steps:
1. Upload a new lead list via the Loaded Lists configuration page at the campaign level
2. Navigate to the Preview tab in the Upload List modal window
3. Select a lead data destination from the Destination list at far left 
4. Click the top row of the column from the uploaded lead list that you’d like to map that destination to (this is your data Source)
5. Repeat until all desired columns are mapped
You’ll notice that once you’ve mapped a destination to its source, you’ll see the source (that is, the column name) displayed in the Source column (beside or underneath the destination name).
Mapping a lead list
Please note that the system does allow you to map the same column of your lead list to two or more system destinations.
Please also note that not all columns on a lead list have to be mapped for a successful upload. The lead’s phone number and external ID are the only required destinations.

Basic destinations for lead list mapping

Available basic destination options include the following:
  • Lead Phone: The lead’s phone number (this is a required field)
  • Extern ID: A unique identification number (of your choice) for the lead. This can be the lead’s telephone number (required) if the lead list doesn’t contain identification numbers (this is a required field)
  • State: Lead’s state (geographical location)
  • Lead Timezone: Lead’s timezone 
  • Pending Agent ID: The system ID number for any reserved agent assigned to the lead
  • Title: Lead’s title
  • First Name: Lead’s first name
  • Middle Name: Lead’s middle name
  • Last Name: Lead’s last name
  • Suffix: Any suffix associated with the lead 
  • Email: Lead’s email
  • Address 1: Lead’s address
  • Address 2: Second address for lead
  • City: Lead’s city
  • Zip: Lead’s zip code
  • Gate Keeper: A term used to describe the person to ask for when dialing this lead (e.g., the lead’s receptionist or assistant). This can also be used as an additional auxiliary field
  • Aux Data fields 1-5: Fields that can be used to store additional lead information
  • Aux Phone: A field that can be used to store any additional phone numbers relevant to the lead or the campaign

Helpful hint!

Auxiliary phone numbers can be useful when the purpose of a campaign is to persuade leads to contact a third party. For example, in a political campaign, agents might be calling leads to persuade them to call their senator. The lead list for this campaign could include an auxiliary phone number for each lead’s senator.
  • Aux External URL: A field that can be used to store any URL relevant to the lead or campaign
  • Aux Greeting: A field that can be used to store alternative greetings for agents to use when contacting leads 
  • Live Answer Message: A field that can be used to store a message agents can leave with a live person
  • Machine Answer Message: A field that can be used to store a message agents can leave with an answering machine
  • Caller ID: The Caller ID associated with the lead or campaign
  • Lead Priority: A field that can be used to assign priority to leads in a list
Now that you understand which system-provided destinations you can use to map the data in your lead list, we’ll learn how to create additional destinations for data mapping in the following articles, beginning with how to configure and use Aux Data destination options.
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