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Engage Voice | Setting up agent recording

Agent recording lets you get a recording of a call with a separate recording file for every agent session within the call, meaning if a customer calls and that call is transferred and handled by two agents, there will be two agent recording files. 
Agent recording, sometimes called dual channel, stereo, or perspective recording, is when there are two channels for your audio file: left and right. Single channel or mono recording is when there is only one channel. Agent recording is especially useful for analytics and quality assurance. In certain cases, there is a need to isolate either an agent or a customer. On a heated call, for example, we need to hear the agent and the caller on separate channels to hear who said what. 
To better understand how agent recording works, let’s take a look at this scenario: A customer calls and connects with Agent 1. Agent 1 then determines that the customer connected to the wrong queue, so he transfers the customer to Agent 2 in another queue. Agent 2 resolves the customer’s concern and ends the call. 
For this scenario, the system will generate three recordings: a single channel call recording for all legs of the call, and two agent recordings (dual channel) for both Agent 1 and Agent 2. 
The single channel recording will contain all audio for the caller and both agents in only one channel (both left and right channel will be the same), while the agent recordings will always have two channels. The left will be the isolated channel for the specific agent for that recording, while the right channel will be everything else (caller and other agent/s in the call). 
For example, the agent recordings for Agent 1 and Agent 2 will be named Recording 1 and Recording 2 respectively. Recording 1 will have Agent 1’s audio in the left channel, while the caller and Agent 2’s audio will be in the right channel. Similarly, Recording 2 will have Agent 2’s audio in the left channel, while the caller and Agent 1’s audio will be in the right channel.
There are existing recording options for outbound dialing, inbound routing, campaigns, IVR, and agent scripting, but those will remain single channel recordings and are unaffected by agent recording as discussed in this article.

Accessing agent recordings

There are two ways you can access agent recordings: Web services and Scheduled Reports in Analytics. However, before you can configure and access your agent recordings, you need to have it enabled in your account. Contact your CSM for more information on activating agent recording. 

Configuring Web Services Notifications for agent recordings

Once enabled, you need to build an HTTP web service to connect to your endpoint. An endpoint can be, for example, a website where you can see the download generated links of your agent recordings. 
To configure agent recording, go to Configuring an HTTP web service and follow the steps there. Keep in mind that in the step where you need to choose the data type, you need to select Form in the Body tab. Here, you will enter custom tags in the name and value fields. These custom tags will be provided by your CSM. 
After the agent recording HTTP web service is set up, you need to configure this service to be triggered in a queue, campaign, or both, depending on whether you want to record inbound calls, outbound calls, or both. 
To configure in a queue, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Routing > Queues via the left nav bar
  1. 2. Select the queue you want to configure
  2. 3. Under the General tab, navigate to the Integrations section
  3. 4. In the Agent Termination Web Service dropdown, select the agent recording web service you created
5. Click Save to save your changes
If you want to find out more about inbound integrations, refer to Configuring inbound integrations.
To configure in a campaign, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Dialing > Campaigns via the left nav bar
2. Select the campaign you want to configure
3. Under the General tab, navigate to the Campaign Integrations section
4. In the Agent Termination Web Service dropdown, select the agent recording web service you created
5. Click Save to save your changes
Read Configuring aux labels and campaign integrations to learn more about campaign integrations.

Accessing agent recordings via Scheduled Reports

You can also access agent recordings via Scheduled Reports in Analytics. Depending on the location of an agent recording’s trigger, you can access them in Realtime Reports and select Inbound Agent Segment Metadata Reports or Outbound Agent Segment Metadata Reports for queues or campaigns, respectively. 
To learn more about downloading Scheduled Reports, read Intro to Scheduled Reports. For more information on Inbound Agent Segment Metadata Reports and Outbound Agent Segment Reports, go to Reports reference
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