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Using the agent scripting knowledge base

In this article, we’ll go over the mechanics of creating and editing knowledge base groups, categories to organize those groups, and articles to populate those categories. If you haven’t already, check out the Agent scripting knowledge base article for more information and for in-depth descriptions on knowledge base functionality.
To create a knowledge base group, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to Agent Tools > Knowledge Base
2. Click the Add Knowledge Base Group button next to the search bar at upper right to open the Edit Knowledge Base Group modal window
3. Select a Name for your group 
4. Click Save and you’ll see your new group display in the center of your window
To edit a knowledge base group, follow the steps below.
1. Click the Actions button to the far right of the knowledge base group name
2. Click Add Category to add a category (we’ll go over that next)
3. Click Edit Group to edit the group’s name
4. Click Delete Group to delete the group altogether
To create a knowledge base category, follow the steps below.
1. Click the Add Category menu option in the Actions dropdown menu located to the far right of the group of your choice
2. Enter a Category Title and a Category Description in the modal window that appears
3. Check the Active checkbox if you wish to make the category available to agents immediately
4. Choose a number to indicate the Order in which you wish your category to appear to agents 
5. Click Save to save your changes and exit the modal window
To edit a knowledge base category, follow the steps below.
1. Click the arrow to the left of the group name of your choice
2. Click the Category Actions button to the right of the category of your choice
3. Click Add Article to add an article to your category
4. Click Edit Category to edit the category name, title, description, active status, and/or order of appearance
5. Click Remove Category to delete the category altogether
6. Click Save to save your changes and exit the modal window
To add an article to a knowledge base category, follow the steps below.
1. Click the arrow to the left of the group name of your choice
2. Click the plus button to the left of the category of your choice
3. Click the Category Actions button to the far right of the category of your choice
4. Click Add Article to add an article to your category
5. Enter a Title for your article in the modal window that appears
6. Check the Active checkbox if you wish to make the article available to agents immediately 
7. Check the Show Send checkbox if you wish to prevent agents from altering the text before it is sent
8. Provide a Label for your article and hit enter on your keyboard to add it to the field 
9. Repeat step 8 as needed
10. Click the x to the right of a label name to delete it
11. Choose a number to indicate the order in which you wish your category to appear to agents
12. Input your text into the Article text editor below and format as needed
13. Click Save to save your changes and exit the modal window
To view or edit a knowledge base article, follow the steps below.
1. Click the arrow to the left of the group name of your choice
2. Click the plus sign to the right of the category of your choice to view a table containing all its articles
3. Click the pencil and paper Edit icon to the right of any article to edit its title, active status, show send status, labels, order, and article text
4. Click the x icon to the right of any article to delete it
To add a knowledge base group to a script, follow the instructions in Agent scripting elements: Knowledge Base. Agents will now be able to simply begin typing the search terms you chose as labels directly into the script, and all the related articles will instantly appear in the section below their search bar.

Helpful hint!

When you create a new knowledge base category, the system will automatically choose a default order number for it. It’s usually a good idea to skip ten or more numbers at a time when ordering your categories (so if the first category is assigned a number 1 by default, then make sure to assign your next entry a number like 10 or 20, depending on how many categories you think you might be adding in between those two entries later). That way, if you need to rearrange or add in a new category later, you won’t have to individually reorder numbers for previous and/or subsequent categories.
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