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Engage Voice | Updating agent login session

There may be times when you’ve logged in to the agent interface and need to update your login session. For example, if you need to change the inbound queues you’re logged in to, instead of logging out of the agent interface and logging back in, you can update your login session instead. 
You can access your session info by selecting your user profile in the top right-hand corner and hovering your mouse over Session Info from the dropdown menu. This is where you can see the SIP phone, login type, login time, skill profile (if any), and the dial group you’re currently logged in to. 
If you choose to update your session, you will be redirected to your login screen. However, if you need to change your voice connection (your login type), you will need to log out of your session completely and log back in.

Updating your agent login session

To update your login session, follow these steps:
1. Select your user profile in the top right-hand corner
2. Hover your mouse over the Session info option
3. Click the Update Session text at the bottom of the dropdown menu. This will direct you to a page containing the login information you can update
4. Modify the options presented to you in your login screen
5. Select Update session

Understanding your login session info

Now that we’ve reviewed how to update your session, let’s learn more about what you’ll see when you view your session info.
  • Phone: The SIP phone you’re currently logged in to 
  • Login type: This indicates if you’re logged in as an inbound, outbound, or blended agent
  • Login time: The date and time you started your login session
  • Skill profile: The agent skill profile you’ve logged in with (if any) 
  • Dial group: The name of the dial group you’re logged in to
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